View Full Version : New starter suffering side effects!

01-04-18, 08:17
So, I’m on day 5 if 20mg, and the last two nights I had terribly troubled sleep. I felt like my skin was getting really hot but I felt cold on the outside, like sunburn, I had terrible internal shakes and I kept jolting myself awake whenever I started to relax. I had drank alcohol the day before so this may have exacerbated how I was feeling. I took diazepam and that seemed to calm me down, but I really don’t want to become dependent on sleep meds!
How long did others sleep disturbance roughly last? Also, does this sound normal as per the side effects of cit? My sleep was awful before but this next leve!!

01-04-18, 12:18
Sounds like your having side affects of cita your only on day 5 the side affects should start to subside soon stick with it

03-04-18, 05:40
Day 6 - felt fine all day, I take the tablet in the morning, but last night I was back to muscle twitching and ‘burning but not hot skin’ and internal shakes, I have super bad health anxiety so I’m worrying this is symptoms of something else :weep:

03-04-18, 11:34
Your having side effects..nothing else..

05-04-18, 16:56
Yeah, the side effects can be a pain and a worry in themselves. Keep at them as you will only find out if they help after a few months