View Full Version : Terrified of a high fever

Clydesdale Epona
01-04-18, 19:10
I've been a bit warm/hot since having my tea so i took some calpol because there was no soluble paracetamol, now i'm feeling kinda warm/sweaty and I'm terrified because it hasn't done anything and i can't take anything for 6 more hours I'm terrified i will get a high fever and end up in hospital or worse, die :weep: X

01-04-18, 19:23
Just want to get this straight... You had hot tea and are feeling a bit warm. You took some Tylenol for a perceived fever and now are afraid you'll get a life threatening high fever basically out of nowhere that will put you in the hospital? All from drinking some hot tea? :huh:

Positive thoughts

Clydesdale Epona
01-04-18, 19:35
Ooops I meant eating my tea as in dinner,
came on out of nowhere after, just hot headed nowhere else.

Not sure if its a hot flush from having the contraceptive implant or an actual fever x

01-04-18, 19:55
Usually when I’ve had a fever I feel hot and cold. I get chills or I get sweaty. I also feel a bit poorly.

A fever is unpleasant, but it’s not a terrible thing. I can’t understand why you’re scared really? Not that health anxiety is actually rational, but you know.

Anyway, it’s very unlikely you have a fever. Especially now you’ve taken Calpol. How old are you?

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Clydesdale Epona
01-04-18, 20:17
I am 17 but can't swallow tablets so get the soluble ones but ran out so took some of that stupidly and now can't take any regular ones for a while x

01-04-18, 20:54
Since the beginning of 2018 (3 months) you have started approximately 15 new threads. That’s 5 per month, more than 1 per week on average.

At some point you should decide what route you want to take in life....posting on here for reassurance week after week after week, or seeking out permanent help for your glaring anxiety issues.

01-04-18, 21:45
Eating causes a thermogenic reaction in the body, it causes it to heat up. Some foods seem to do this more than others.

But it's your reaction here that is the issue. I used to struggle with my anxiety raising like this due to feeling a change in my body. I got past that and it no longer bothers me.

02-04-18, 01:15
How is your pulse? I had a fever a few weeks ago with an awful flu, my pulse was sky high, funnily enough I did not feel warm at all but I definitely had all the other clues, you would surely have other issues attached if it was a full on fever brought on by something. Do you have any further symptoms besides feeling a little hot and unwell? Is there any reason to suspect that you may have a dangerous fever brewing? Anxiety and the assumption that you have something fatal lurking within you and approaching can cause absolute havoc and make you interpret the tiniest sensation as if it is highly threatening. I am sorry you are so worried about your body and I hope you can find some relief from it, it is very tiring and a bit of a vicious cycle to go through when you're so riled up.