View Full Version : Advice on stopping health anxiety

02-04-18, 12:43
Hi everyone

I’m new to this forum and I’m sorry if something similar has been posted I just feel better getting it off my chest in my own words (if that makes sense) and I need to start somewhere by fighting this health anxiety issue I have!

I’ve always been a bit of a hyperchondriac but over the last 4 months it’s been really really bad. Like the worst it’s ever been! Even if I have no fresh issues or symptoms I just wake up in the morning extremely anxious thinking something is wrong. In the last 6 months I have had blood tests, ECGs, Dr examinations,
and eye tests but despite all of the results coming back fine I still feel like something could be wrong! And then I end up constantly self examining, searching for symptoms, googling all sorts looking for reassurance and I’m just genuinely obsessed with my health and feel like it’s taking over my life!

Even if there’s a slight chance of something being wrong like a rare form of cancer being 1 in 420 chance I still feel like I’m always at heavy risk. Reading back through this comment makes me realise how ridiculous I am being and completely lacking logic and reason but I still can’t get out of this mindset! What I need from you lot is just some advice if you have been through this before and how you overcome this exhausting disorder.

I feel like if I haven’t got something genuinely wrong with me my mind is obsessed with finding something to occupy itself with health wise. Some days I wake up and think ‘what if I have ms? What if I have diabetes? What if I have cancer? What if I wake up blind?’. It’s stopping me from enjoying life and distracting myself from focusing my energy on more important things. Anyway thanks for reading and please share your experiences/thoughts/advice.


02-04-18, 12:55
if you have been through this before and how you overcome this exhausting disorder.

Welcome. There are a lot of great resources on the forum for sufferers. The fact that this part of the forum is all about HA means it's full of tips and strategies among the symptoms and fears.

You can start with several threads that are currently on the first page.





Basically it comes down to a few steps the first of which comes from you deciding to help yourself, the traditional path of therapy and meds if needed and a lot of hard work :)

I hope you find the inner fortitude to tame your dragon.

Positive thoughts

02-04-18, 13:33
FMP is right on this, the only way to tackle this head on is now to seek professional help for your severe HA it wont get better on it's own either if it did then this forum would have a lot less HA related posts :) So make that appointment then you can start to recover. Let us know how you get on please ATB