View Full Version : Can’t take anymore

02-04-18, 17:00
So last night I literally wanted to take myself off to hospital. I can’t get used to these symptoms. I spent hours googling last night about sulphur burps, diarreah, stomach gurgling, noises and the fact I’m feeling tired and BAM stomach cancer and colon cancer kept coming up. I am in a relationship and I can’t seem to want to pursue it anymore as I’m so tired and stuff and just want to stay in doors where I can deal with stuff myself. I don’t want to get excited about anything because I 90% know I have cancer. I don’t want to go for tests cause I’m Scared of the outcome. It’s all so strange and annoying but I’m living this life of fear. This guy is doing his best to stay with me and support me but I can’t expect him to waste his time also.

I just feel alone and down and sometimes being on here and talking helps for a bit

02-04-18, 17:12
I’m really sorry you are feeling so low at the moment. Have you seen an actual doctor for your symptoms?

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02-04-18, 17:46
Yea but they keep saying it’s classic ibs. Had bloods a year ago and nothing showed. Maybe it could now tho?

02-04-18, 18:41
I get the impression most GP's just say its IBS because they don't really have knowledge/expertise/equipment to pick up anything else unless its something quite obvious on a blood test or something.

I'm having some ..disturbing bowel related issues for 10 weeks now. I've convinced myself its bowel cancer, Perhaps I have 1-2 symptoms of bowel cancer, but then so do people with IBS or any other host of digestive issues.

I've spent 10 weeks googling all the time (yes theres not actually 10 weeks worth to read, I've read some forums 4-5 times over) I don't really have any answers except its awful, I sort of persuade myself its probably "x" and on paper it makes sense..then I wake up with something new and it knocks me back till I go back to thinking it must be cancer. :scared15:

Have you tried any IBS medication? or tried to keep tabs on what foods your eating? Theres alsorts available (It seems different people respond to different things) unfortunately I'm not responding to much!

02-04-18, 19:02
Thanks for your reply. I have tried a few things. It’s the toilet habits that I’d oce to change x

02-04-18, 19:19
First of all, stop googling. There are almost no exceptions to this, stop googling.

Literally every single physical symptom a person can experience COULD lead to a self diagnosis of cancer. If you were googling for hours, it's inevitable you'd end up there.

Second of all, stomach issues are one of THE most common symptoms of anxiety. The brain and stomach are linked to such an extent that medicine is now considering at least some of the digestive tract as an extension of the brain itself rather than two separate organs.

The best thing you can do is just try and ignore it and get on with your life. If you've been told nothing is wrong with you, get on with your life.

It sounds flippant and dismissive, but anxiety sufferers spend FAR too much time thinking about what it is they're experiencing. I know, because I did it for years.

You say you can't take anymore (and I said that to myself hundreds of times), but you don't have a choice. Sit with it while it's here, and do other stuff until it passes, which it will. You'll feel like crap, we all do/did, but just sit with it. It WILL pass.