View Full Version : I need help

02-04-18, 18:06
As many here I have issues with anxiety and panic attacks, the last year especially for me have been almost unbearable. Things just keep getting worse it stared (as i have phases where I'm better then others) just on a downer having random panic attacks. Now I'm getting panic attacks almost constantly. Some times two or three a day, even beginning to get them leaving the house. It's becoming too much for me. I've been doctors and tried different meds which some times work, mostly for a week at most. I've done CBT several times. I just feel like I'm in constant panic. I don't know how much more I can. I've managed to get to see a psychiatrist in two days which I'm hoping will get me on the right track. But I've never been this bad I'm not sure how much more I can take. I've had enough of being me, I'm really struggling to leave the house. I don't know if I can beat this I feel so down another day of being me just seams too much .
Thank you for taking the time to read this

02-04-18, 19:51
I've been there many places, feeling like my whole day is one big panic attack. You need to find a medication that works well for you, an anti-depressant combined with a Klonopin, on a short-term basis. I struggle to leave the house, too, but you've got to just accept the fact that anxiety is going to happen, you'll have panic attacks, but nothing other than that, nothing worse, is going to happen. You need to just allow them to happen and carry on with your life. Think of all the things you want to do, and do them. :)

02-04-18, 21:09
Thank you for getting back to me, it’s the diarrhoea and vomiting that are the hardest for me. As the panic feeling does go after a while. I’m optimistic about my appointment this week. I’m not going to lie I don’t know how much more I can take.

02-04-18, 21:35
Which med/s did you take and for how long? You say "one week" - do you mean the med helped for a week only? Perhaps you can discuss med issue with psychiatrist, as this is all they tend to do - hand out meds. Not being cynical, just realistic. If you've tried CBT and it's not helped, perhaps counselling/psychotherapy would be another option to consider. There are a lot of self-help resources and links on this site - I would recommend looking through them too, especially CBT4Panic.

02-04-18, 21:44
I’ve been on several currently on Dizepam, buspirone & mirtazapine. Yea I’m hopeful this appointment is helpful. When I say they only work for a week I mean in terms of keeping my levels of anxiety down. But I’ve tried quite a few the only one that did work for longer was velafaxine (could be spelt wrong)

03-04-18, 13:11
Venlafaxine is the one I'm on. It's a good medication. Hopefully your appointment helps. Keep trying to lower your anxiety levels down. :)