View Full Version : All the Symptoms except racing heart - Ideas?

02-04-18, 20:54
Suffering from panic. Today's symptoms include the dizziness, nausea, headache right in the middle of my forehead, shakiness, feel like I am freezing cold, plugged ears and whole body tension (even when I try to relax it goes right back to the tension). But my heart is not racing. Strange enough, this is what has me worried the most. I am wondering if anyone else has panic attacks without the racing heart. I am wondering if my blood pressure medication or sertraline is causing the heart not to race. Ideas?

03-04-18, 10:00
Hi JRcolman I am a really bad time for the last week,yeas it is possible I get lightheaded all the time and feeling sick I'm afraid that everyone's symptoms are different its not nice my friend,just bear with it,I only wish I could take my own advice:)

03-04-18, 16:16
Thank you for responding. I too need to take that advice. I do so well, and then, wham, a new symptom that freaks me out. Eventually there should be no more new symptoms, right?

Take care of yourself. Wishing you peace.