View Full Version : Phantom Smells = Brain Problem??? PLEASE HELP

03-04-18, 16:11
Hi guys. I haven't been on here in awhile...my HA has been very under control lately and I have actually been enjoying my life without constant anxiety.

BUT last night around 4:00 AM I was awoken to this AWFUL smell. So strong it woke me up and I started looking around the room to see if my dog had had an accident in the room (she didn't). The smell was literally making me nauseous to where I thought I was going to puke. My stomach was rumbling and there was a bad taste in my mouth. I asked my half asleep bf if he smelt anything and he said no.

I woke up, got a drink of water and eventually the smell just faded away, I was a little nauseous for about 15 mins after but then fell back asleep and was fine.

This has never happened to me before.

2 things - I just started taking birth control pills again after a month long break last night before bed. I also took a large fiber supplement before bed which I originally tied the nauseous feeling to.

When I looked up "phantom smells" of course it said it could be related to a tumor or brain problem - which are my triggers and now I have been having HA all morning.

Please help me not spiral - should I get checked out? Has anyone else experienced this?

03-04-18, 16:21
I smell pipe smoke all the time. I contribute it to spirits that are visiting (nuts huh). More than likely it wasn't a phantom smell. It could have been your breath being drawn up to your sinuses, I know that sounds gross, but morning breath can be that way. I came to that conclusion because it went away after your drank water (washed the acid back down to your stomach).

03-04-18, 19:59
Have you recently had a cold or sinus infection?

03-04-18, 20:11
I see where you’re coming from - this is a trigger for me too. However it’s a really rare symptom & there are far more likely explanations. The acid reflux causing bad breath sounds very likely. Alternatively could you or your partner have farted in your sleep? This happened to me a while back too & the following morning I did discover dog poo in the corner of the room that i’d missed the night before. Try to stay calm. X

03-04-18, 20:45
This happens to me from time to time and it used to happen a lot, always when I woke up from sleep. My theory is that it is a form of sleep disorder, like sleep paralysis when your brain hadn't quite woken up properly and you're still in a kind of sleep hangover! Like you, I've woken up many times smelling odd things, I've even got up and gone downstairs searching for the source of the smell, but then it just disappears. I've had this for long enough to feel that it isn't anything life threatening!

03-04-18, 20:59
BUT last night around 4:00 AM I was awoken to this AWFUL smell. So strong it woke me up and I started looking around the room to see if my dog had had an accident in the room (she didn't).

I've had the same thing happen. Thought the cat pooped on the bed! Turns out it was my own gases :roflmao: Heck, my wife has woken me up from hers! :eek:

Positive thoughts

03-04-18, 21:27
Thanks guys. I am a little more calm now. I do have sinus problems but I have had them my entire life and I don’t recall this ever happening. Hopefully it’s nothing. Who knows maybe it was my boyfriend having gas (although I don’t think so). I will try to remain calm unless it becomes a reoccurring problem.

Thanks for the feedback

03-04-18, 21:39
Thanks guys. I am a little more calm now. I do have sinus problems but I have had them my entire life and I don’t recall this ever happening. Hopefully it’s nothing. Who knows maybe it was my boyfriend having gas (although I don’t think so). I will try to remain calm unless it becomes a reoccurring problem.

Thanks for the feedback

Just out of curiosity, how long did this odur last? And did it continue after you left the room?

04-04-18, 03:33
Just out of curiosity, how long did this odur last? And did it continue after you left the room?

It lasted maybe like 4-5 minutes after I woke up maybe? I’m not exactly sure my perception of time is totally off when I’m half asleep. When I left the room I feel like it kind of went away yes but not completely

04-04-18, 07:56
It lasted maybe like 4-5 minutes after I woke up maybe? I’m not exactly sure my perception of time is totally off when I’m half asleep. When I left the room I feel like it kind of went away yes but not completely

Definitely doesn't sound like a seizure to me. Which is technically what phantom smells are with brain tumours. I say go about your day and blame the dog 🐶

04-04-18, 10:23
You had that large fiber supplement before bed? It sounds like it was maybe doing it's job and as a result you're waking yourself up with the smell of your own farts. Happens to the best of us. Or maybe your BF had gas, maybe the dog did, who knows. The absolutely least likely explanation for this imaginable is that it's the result of a brain tumour.