View Full Version : Health Anxiety/IBS - scared to go doctors!

04-04-18, 11:01

This is my first time posting! It may be quite long so apologies in advance.
Started about 6 weeks ago when I had a pain in my back and was convinced I had a kidney infection, went to the doctors and it wasn’t. I started going to the gym 5 times a week in January and it turned out to be a pulled muscle. The week I thought I had a kidney infection I suffered from terrible anxiety, felt sick, couldn’t eat and had a loose stool every morning. When I realised it wasn’t a kidney infection it all went and I felt fine for a week. Until the back ache came back and I had a smear booked and was convinced I had cervical cancer. I cancelled my smear as I was so scared they were going to tell me something was wrong. I’ve had terrible anxiety since. This was 3 weeks ago. I’m now convinced I have ovarian cancer. The back ache is still there, mainly just when I wake up and eases off through the day. I have loose stools every day and sometimes it feels like I’m constipated too or haven’t emptied properly. I have abdominal cramps which sometimes feels like period pain. I’ve had shooting pains in my pelvic area (they aren’t that painful and don’t happen much). The last week I’ve had bloating to add to all of that too. My period a couple of weeks ago was also much more painful than normal.

I tried to get a doctors appointment last week but couldn’t and the doctor called me and I said how bad I’ve been feeling and she prescribed me sertraline but I haven’t taken it yet as I’m too scared. She also thinks I have classic signs of IBS but I haven’t been examined so how does she know? I have a follow up with her but not until 26th April. Just to add to all that I had a stillbirth 12 years ago at full term, main reason was my blood pressure being raised and since then I’ve been petrified of doctors/hospitals/having my blood pressure taken. I’m terrified of being told something bad and I assume it all stems from that. I know most people with HA are constantly at the doctors, I’m the complete opposite and am so frightened to go.

Thank you for reading if you’ve got this far. I guess I just need some reassurance and help.

04-04-18, 13:08
I can't really help, except I've also got the whole HA/IBS and god knows what else

I must say I'm curious what period pains feel like, it seems most people with IBS and such are women and they compare certain pains/cramps to period pains..which is kinda lost on me!

I'm very similar, I adopt a never go to doctors until something is falling off approach. It killed me to go with my current issues (it ended up being a waste of time anyway)

I think its a case of anxiety and stress making IBS symptoms worse but your kind of trapped until you get some hard reassurance from a doctor that it literally only is IBS (I can't bring myself to go to a specialist and get some tests that I probably need)

04-04-18, 15:19
Thank you for your reply!

I hope you are ok too.

Is there anyone that can offer any advice please?

04-04-18, 16:33
HA can cause these symptoms with your bowels. I know this from experience.

It sounds to me like you should maybe try taking something from the doctor for your anxiety, and maybe get some counseling.

In regards to your symptoms, it does sound like classic IBS or anxiety, and nothing sinister to me.

04-04-18, 16:50
Is there anyone that can offer any advice please?

Based on your post, you certainly show all the signs of anxiety. The best advice is to start taking the Sertraline and look into real life professional help with your anxiety. Stomach/bowel issues are VERY common with sufferers and the more anxious you are, the worst the symptoms can be.

Positive thoughts

04-04-18, 18:37
Thank you! I think I’ll start the sertraline tonight and see if it makes any difference. Currently having bad abdominal cramps low down and feel very constipated or trapped wind. It’s a vicious circle

04-04-18, 18:49
Thank you! I think I’ll start the sertraline tonight and see if it makes any difference.

Give it a few weeks to kick in. I took it for around 6 months for some depression after my 1st heart attack. Some people get some side effects starting up. The only side effect I had was a dodgy stomach now and again but it really helped me and allowed me to focus on my therapy.

Positive thoughts

04-04-18, 19:20
Yep, don't expect a sudden improvement with sertraline, it's slow acting, but good stuff. Mine took about 6 weeks, but everybody is different. Some people get side effects worse than others, but try and stick with it

04-04-18, 19:27
We are in the exact same boat girl!!!! I have why toy have exactly plus frequent urination. I have been told I have intestinal issues and my worry doesn't help. Message me if you'd like. We can keep in touch

04-04-18, 19:52
Yep, don't expect a sudden improvement with sertraline, it's slow acting, but good stuff. Mine took about 6 weeks, but everybody is different. Some people get side effects worse than others, but try and stick with it

Yes I’ve heard about the side effects but also that you should stick with it as it really does help. That’s the reason I’m scared to take it because of the side effects! I think I’m going to have to try and bite the bullet and just go for it. Think positive and think surely anything is better than feeling like this all the time!

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

We are in the exact same boat girl!!!! I have why toy have exactly plus frequent urination. I have been told I have intestinal issues and my worry doesn't help. Message me if you'd like. We can keep in touch

Oh I’m sorry to hear you are suffering too. It’s horrible isn’t it. Have you had any tests or anything done? This is what scares me

04-04-18, 20:16
Think positive and think surely anything is better than feeling like this all the time!

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it" - Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

04-04-18, 20:39
Nope. It's crept up on me and I keep saying it will pass. It hasn't and I think it's because I'm thinking about it and worrying. We are ok. We can make it and this will pass

04-04-18, 20:50
Hi i understand totally how you feel. Just went thru something like this. I had cramping like ovulation pain but in post menopause for 5 years. Went to gyno since not there in many years. Test came out fine. Stillhave lower right side cramping. Has to be ibs. Health anxiety has caused so much aches in my body. I feel better once ni get my anxiety under control. To me sounds like ibs but im no doctor. But i do understand. Hope you feel better.

04-04-18, 21:16
Nope. It's crept up on me and I keep saying it will pass. It hasn't and I think it's because I'm thinking about it and worrying. We are ok. We can make it and this will pass

Yes it will! How long have you been feeling like this? Its nice to not feel alone with how we are feeling. Just horrible that we are all feeling like this. Well my pelvic pain/abdominal cramps from earlier have now gone after loads of gas so I’m pretty sure that side of things is IBS. Just need to keep telling myself that! If you are experiencing the same, try Buscopan. I take it when I get cramps and they help massively. All this is just a vicious circle. Health anxiety creates all these weird symptoms and digestive problems and all these symptoms create anxiety! Ahhhh

04-04-18, 21:46
Yes. Hdk1986. I started taking a cleanse today. Maybe something stuck. They say bacteria in your intestines can cause all kind ofl issues. In the bathroom alot today but feel better. Hang in there. Seems my health anxiety manifest differently each year. I have to stop dwelling on it. Health anxiety is terrible. Didnt have it until my passed away 5 years ago. Amazing what triggers it. Hope you feel better.