View Full Version : Possible bone cancer? Freaking out.

04-04-18, 12:34

For probably over two years now, I’ve had this niggling lower back pain. Causes pain in my lower back when tipping my hips forward and also sometimes, I get this pain through the back of my hips to the front.
I also have shoulder pain in the morning and when I retract my shoulder blades, mid back pain and neck pain when doing chin tucks, though I can’t remember when this started happening - definitly over a year ago, though.

I looked all this up online, and it seems I have a several postural issues. Rounded shoulders, forward head posture and anterior pelvic tilt.
It would make sense, as I spent a lot of time on a computer with bad posture a few years back and also slept awkwardly on a sofa for a couple of years, as well as slouching when I sat. It would make sense why this would happen.

However, I cant shake the feeling that I might have bone cancer. Now I’ve had the pains for a couple of years now, but I’m racking my brains trying to think back to whether or not thenpains are worse now than before. I know I haven’t had the front to back hip pain for very long, for example, but the actual lower back pain I’ve ha for ages.

My fear is that, unbeknownst to me, I have bone cancer that has just been growing there for a couple of years, and all my problem areas (lower back, shoulders, neck etc) are full of cancerous tumours; and one day I’ll just collapse.

I think perhaps I need therapy of some sort for my anxiety, but what if I do actually have all of the above? And I’m just waiting around for it to get worse.
I read about people who have had it and only noticed very slight symptoms. I don’t even know if my pains are coming from the muscles or the bones!
My head feels like a whirlwind at the moment. Every time I think about it there seems more evidence that I have it.

Thanks for listening.

04-04-18, 12:49
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

You've had these pains for for a couple of years now.

You know full well why :winks: I would be more concerned with the anxiety aspect that takes over and causes you to think otherwise.

Positive thoughts

04-04-18, 21:27
I have pain in pretty much all of the places you’ve mentioned & like you, I go through phases of being convinced it’s because I have cancer in my bones. The things I remind myself of are that i’m not losing weight for no reason (I have lost weight because my anxiety has killed my appetite but that’s explained), I don’t have drenching night sweats, i’m Generally well. If I had cancer throughout my spine I would be really ill - particularly if it had been there for months & months as the pain has. Alternatively what is far more likely is that I have muscle tension from poor posture & anxiety which isn’t going away because the poor posture & anxiety haven’t gone away.