View Full Version : Burning pain in nipple

04-04-18, 16:04
I woke up today had a bad burning pain in my left nipple. It lasted a few minutes then went away. It hurt though I dont see any redness. I’m scared to check for lumps. I’m freaking out now that o have breast cancer. I don’t want to go to dr. I’m hoping maybe it’s irratated from shirt rubbing as I slept. But it’s not red which makes me worry

04-04-18, 18:03
I have had this happen to me before. I even wrote t to my Dr about it. It eventually stopped.

04-04-18, 20:34
Nipples get irritated too. Just monitor it for a week, if by then it is not gone, see a doctor. More than likely it is an irritation just like skin irritation.