View Full Version : New to this

04-04-18, 16:49
Hi all,

So, as the title suggests, I'm new to this. Or at least new to accepting that this is what I suffer with. Currently I have repeated panic attacks that last all day and into the night. No matter what I try, they just keep continuing and it's getting worse. My symptoms are jaw and neck tension and a horrible 'pressure feeling' in my head and behind my eyes. Then followed by a stinging pain in my arms and numbness in my legs (my left leg always twitches too). Is that normal for this? There doesn't seem to be any real triggers....it just happens. I feel like I'm losing my mind!

I'm awaiting a referral to a neurologist and an MRI which will complete the tests I've had (of which there are many). I think the reason I've had such a hard time dealing with this is that nobody in the medical profession has ever even hinted that I'm having panic attacks....it's always tests, concerned/confused looks. I ended up self-diagnosing.

I'm seeing a counselor later this week so hopefully that can shed some light on all of this.

04-04-18, 19:39
Well my panic attacks started for the same reason. Shoulderblade , shoulder, left chest, pain and left side neck stiffness. Did a 3 full heart tests and it was perfect. But the went to a neurologist and he said that my nerves are Fuc*ed up. Also have constant twitching on that side and the leg.
Id reccomend doing a full range of tests for peace of mind. Main ones being Heart, eyes (might be pressure caused by fluids behind eyes im waiting for my visit since om having pressure there) and then neurologist. And any other you deem necesary.