View Full Version : Fell down the stairs.

04-04-18, 18:56
Believe it or not my anxiety has been doing absolutely fab for a few weeks.

But yesterday morning I slipped on the top stair and as I went to grab on I missed banged under my arm and fell down about 5 stairs and landed on my lower right back.

Obviously I’m so glad I didn’t seriously hurt myself just knocked up a bit and i wasn’t in a great deal of pain right after. Woke up this morning and all of my right side ribs are tender and painful when I move in a particular way , my hip hurts and the top of my right legs is really sore and keep getting the odd shooting pain in my leg too.

So logically it’s all normal and of course I’d be a bit sore after yesterdaybut my husband stupidly said oh my what if it’s made you had a blood clot and is travelling to your lungs. Low and behold hello again health anxiety. He said it as a joke as I’ve been doing so well but it’s just knocked me.

So what are the chances of it actually doing some damage or should I just hush and believe i should be a little sore

04-04-18, 19:01
Me and my sister when we were kids, must have fallen down the stairs a few times backwards, I fell backwards off the wall when I was a child, even though me and my sister had probably ended up with bruises no long time damage was done.

04-04-18, 21:07
I can’t think of any mechanism by which a fall could have caused a blood clot unless you had a broken bone or been off your feet for a prolonged time (days to weeks).
Being sore after a fall is completely to be expected. Take some simple painkillers & rest. If you don’t feel better in a day or so get yourself checked over but i’m More thinking cracked rib than blood clot.

04-04-18, 22:42
It is surprising when a fall happens. Some times you get on with it and then suddenly the pain and bruises appear.
If the pain becomes worse and you are worried best to have a check up.
I am sure you will be alright though x

05-04-18, 01:28
Ouch!... happened to my wife last week. Miscounted the stairs in the middle of the night. A couple of bruises but she's fine and I'm sure you will too.

Positive thoughts

05-04-18, 01:41
It's a knock with some force so muscle bruising is very likely. If you had broken something, like a rib, you really would know about it! As far as clots go, that's only in your mind because your husband what a really poor comment given your anxiety. Remember, kids fall over all the time, the elderly have lots of falls, people get punched & kicked, etc and yet clots are uncommon. The human body is made to take knocks and your muscles protect you.

Try to calm yourself with any relaxation work and it will likely fade. As you feel pain from bruising remind yourself it's a knock and you've had many on your time and it will heal soon.

AND...perhaps some gentle persuasion is needed to get your husband to treat you for being a plonker? It's grovelling time :winks::biggrin: