View Full Version : How to identify numbness? Please help :(

04-04-18, 19:49
I feel like my back (and sometimes face) have numbish spots from time to time but I can feel my touch on them when I touch them, I just feel like I don’t feel enough and end up pinching my face and back for ages. I’m terrified, please answer :unsure:

04-04-18, 20:03
Numbness would usually mean you can't feel it at all, you may have a loss of sensation though. It's probably nothing to worry about, lots of things can cause those sorts of feelings, but it's a good idea to get all symptoms checked if you're worried!

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04-04-18, 21:04
Anxiety commonly causes areas of skin to feel tingly or numb - I would guess this is what’s happening to you. It probably wouldn’t hurt for you to get your gp to do a neuro exam for reassurance but honestly I doubt there’s very much wrong.