View Full Version : Obsessing after difficult interactions

04-04-18, 22:59
How do you deal with anxiety after a difficult interaction with someone? An interaction where you accidentally upset someone.

I am going over and over the scenario in my head, I can't eat and can't think about anything else. I know with time it will pass, but how the heck do you stop doing it in the first place? :(

05-04-18, 01:56
I agree with Raindrops. We tend to be people who look inwards a lot and because we tend to so worried about things we apply this to upsetting others. That's a generalisation, I've met some anxiety sufferers who are the total opposite of this so it's as much about personality and upbringing too. I find anxiety just accentuates it like it does with so many other things.

Once a man queue jumped me and I had a right go at him. I spent the afternoon re-running that situation and getting anxious. I haunted me for days and even weeks later I felt bad about it. I felt I had let myself down.

But he did queue jump and paid no consideration to me. I decided I acted over the top but he was also to blame so I had to let it go.

I would try to distract yourself so you aren't sitting obsessing over this. Get some exercise to help with the adrenaline too. You will let this go at some point. Learn to accept the situation, learn from it and understand issues such as Perfectionism can be a problem for many of us (especially in such as OCD).

05-04-18, 08:42
I did apologise but it was online and not face to face and the person just ignored me and I hate ending an interaction by being ignored :-( the person is not a close friend or anything so the fact they might never speak to me again isn't a big deal.

I feel a bit better this morning although I only got 4 hours sleep in the end.

07-04-18, 11:11
Yes know what you mean a similar thing has happened to me very recently, again like you 'online' totally ignored and it does make you think then you blame your self etc when often it's the other person and not you, I don't like being ignored either, that's one main reason why I hate online interactions one min you are chatting away, next they have gone, much prefer proper interactions face to face. So perhaps try and move on from it :) ATB

07-04-18, 15:24
Thank you, I think I've moved on... Mostly I was getting irrational fears about the aftermath, seeing as I suppposedly upset them. You never know what upset people might do. A stranger is somewhat "unknown" when it comes to how they react to things!

07-04-18, 15:32
Thank you, I think I've moved on... Mostly I was getting irrational fears about the aftermath, seeing as I suppposedly upset them. You never know what upset people might do. A stranger is somewhat "unknown" when it comes to how they react to things!Sometimes its difficult to move on but you have to I explained it in a PSG Meeting on Thursday they gave me advice and I normally would have struggled with it but deleted all messages, but not their number hoping they may contact me again but guess they wont ahh. ATB

07-04-18, 16:06
You never know what upset people might do. A stranger is somewhat "unknown" when it comes to how they react to things!

I think this is important... What exactly do you think they'll do?

09-04-18, 08:09
I was worried that they might mention the conversation we had on their YouTube channel, and even name me as a "hater".

As it happens they did mention it, but didn't name me so I'm OK now I think. I think they've got it out of their system.