View Full Version : Supraclavicular lymph nodes???

04-04-18, 23:21
Hopefully someone will read through this and give me some input. So about a couple months ago I started experiencing health anxiety
When I went to the doctor and my rbc count was barely elevated and I also had elevated protein. The doctor assured me I was fine but me having anxiety I was convinced I was going to have cancer. Fast forward a month later and i finally convinced myself I was ok. Then I had a very bad swelling in my groin area, my
Lymph nodes became very tender down there. After googling I got worried about Hodgkins and started feeling all over my neck for lumps. I remember the first time I felt around I didn’t feel a thing. Then I felt one lump on my neck that was barely there and before long I was digging in my neck trying to find lymph nodes and made some of them swell. Then I found a lymph node behind my ear. I never touched this one. I went to the doctor and she noticed I had lost 10
Lb since the last time I came (2 months) ago and asked if I was dieting . I told her no. However I had severe anxiety and I think this was why I was losing weight. I wasn’t eating as much either. She refers me to oncology for that and swollen lymph nodes! The oncologist said I need a biopsy or CT. So I go for biopsy and they are going to excise a 3 cm lymph node form groin. However the lymph node shrunk down to normal size so that has been cancelled. My concern is that I have a pea sized lymph node one inch above my right collarbone.
I brought this to the gen surgeons attention and she said she was not worried about it. She did not feel the need to biopsy it. Now I’ve been messing with that area SO much the lymph node is very noticeable now when I go to touch it and it seems wiTh all the poking I have made another one come up right beside it. They have to be lymph nodes.. they feel like peas. I think my next step is to get CT scan. I wonder if I have poked so much i have irritated normal
Lymph nodes to swell up a lot? When I originally felt around I don’t remember feeling the supraclavicular one but I’ve rubbed it for days and now I have another one popping up and I am scared! I’m only 25.
I’ve had no loss of energy, sweats, itching or anything else.

04-04-18, 23:28
I wonder if I have poked so much i have irritated normal Lymph nodes to swell up a lot?

Short answer YES. Poking and prodding will irritate your nodes and cause them to swell. Too much poking and prodding can cause them to become shotty (permanently enlarged).

Positive thoughts

04-04-18, 23:34
Going through it right now with a supraclavicular node. I went to doctor and she said it was too small (it's like the size of a BB) to feel the need to biospy. Plus I have swollen lymph nodes under my jaw from infected wisdom tooth. So she said to just wait and watch to see if it gets bigger or smaller/goes away. Fun times ahead with my anxiety lol. But I definitely think touching them makes them bigger. That's why I'm trying my hardest to refrain from touching it to see if it will go down. I'm losing that battle. But I just want to say you are definitely not alone.

04-04-18, 23:53
The surgeon even saw it on an ultrasound. She deals with a lot of breast cancer patients so it sort of made me feel better when she said she wasn't worried if it was the size of a pea. But you look online and it says all over if you have that its a big red flag. I should have just asked for a biopsy anyway but she seemed so confident.

05-04-18, 00:02
Tell me about it. It's ALL I read on the internet. So either the internet is just full of worst-case scenarios and we are fine (the most likely outcome) or we BOTH who are on this forum with swollen supraclavicular lymph nodes around the same (small) size at the same time who both have seen doctors who said not to worry are in trouble. Me being 27 and you being 25. I find that scenario unlikely. We just need to chilllllll.

05-04-18, 00:08
I really just want to be on the safe side. I'm trying to stay calm though. What doesn't help, when I thought I had hodgkins, a girl who is friends with my husband messaged me on facebook just to give me some support. When I told her that my lymph node had shrunk and I was so excited, she just came back with "well mine shrunk too and I ended up having cancer" That was a major UGH. Do you have any others swollen? I have a couple on my neck that I feel like a made swollen myself from poking. The only other one I really have is behind my ear but its small. The fact that my doctor was so quick to refer me to oncology scared the crap out of me! She did a CBC and my WBC were slightly elevated (like 1.5 pts) and neutrophils. But from what I read this is likely due to an infection. Which could also be cause of swollen lymph nodes...but.... I feel fine. So idk! Ugh. I just want an all clear so I can get on with my life.

05-04-18, 00:18
I do have some under my jaw that popped up along with this one since I have a wisdom tooth that is growing in that maybe got infected. But it's weird that my collarbone lymph node would get infected from THAT. Doctor thinks it's possible since what are the chances this popped up along with them. I'm on antibiotics so I will see if this lymph node goes away with the medicine. I do have shotty lymph nodes that have been there for years so I don't worry about them.

She probably just sent you because it was coupled with the weight loss but I have been so anxious these past days that I'm sure I've lost a couple since I don't have an appetite when I'm stressed. So I'm sure that is your reason.

I know I want an all clear too but she just said to watch and see if it gets bigger. I asked what I should do if it just stays the same and she said she still probably wouldn't worry about it. Like great. So anxiety for the unforeseeable future unless it goes away.