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View Full Version : How many doctors/investigations are enough?

05-04-18, 11:05
So i’ve Been suffering constantly with something for a month now. In that time i’ve Seen 3 GPs, 2 ED docs & a private specialist. I’ve had some basic investigations. All agree that my problems are likely related to my anxiety levels. I haven’t however seen another potential specialist & I know of several investigations I could be having to rule out more sinister causes.
I just don’t know how much investigation is too much. I’m painfully aware that even if I saw the other specialist I wouldn’t necessarily be reassured - same with investigations - they would possibly rule out one condition for me to come up with an alternative. It makes it so difficult to know what to do. I worry my symptoms are being overlooked because of the health anxiety but at the same time I appreciate there is a good chance the anxiety is the root cause ..
it doesn’t help that I had to change gp recently because of a house move & haven’t built trust in my current gp yet.

05-04-18, 12:38
What symptoms are you suffering from, if you don't mind me asking? If you don't want to say, that's fine.
You've seen 5 medical professionals now which have all told you they don't think it's anything, one of them being a specialist. Occasionally people may get misdiagnosed from a one off visit, but 5 medical professionals including a specialist who are all saying they don't think it's likely to be anything to worry about, I think you've done enough investigation at this point.
Of course, you could always go back to one and ask to have these tests you think they could be doing if it'll reassure you, but again I think they know they won't find anything on them.
I think you've hit the nail on the head by saying you don't know if another visit would reassure you. It seems like you have quite severe health anxiety, I think that's something you ought to focus on getting better really, because that really is a problem. I think you're right by saying no amount of reassurance is going to make you feel better, as you've seen lots of professionals with varying levels of knowledge on the subject, but you're still not feeling confident. I think if you tackle your health anxiety you'd feel much better :)
Good luck!

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05-04-18, 12:49
for a gp you have to do your 5year degree, 2 foundation years, then 3years vocational training before you become fully qualified. for a hospital doctor you have to do your 5year degree, 2 foundation years, then probably around 5 years training depending on your speciality area.you need to trust the doctors. look how much training a GP/Dr has! ..
i’ve Seen 3 GPs, 2 ED docs & a private specialist. One Dr may not be so thorough etc and you are entitled to a 2nd opinion.... but where does that stop until you believe what is being said to you? ..... The answer being that with HA you will never really trust what your doctor is saying to you... there will always be that doubt.

I don't have HA and find it really easy to trust what the doctor says.