View Full Version : 10mg citalopram

05-04-18, 20:05
Coming off vitalopram i was on 40mg then worked down to 10mg then stopped them 3days ago but feeling so anxious/ weak feeling... is this normal i thought going down to 10 then stopping them id be ok ?? Am waiting to start new meds but thought i wouldn't feel as bad coming off the cit ?

05-04-18, 22:02
Hi honep1e,

Rapidly stopping the meds will result in increased anxiety. According to my theraphist the best way to do it is to taper off to the lowest dose possible, even if it means that you need to cut the pill in half.
When you are already down to the lowest dose you should start to take the meds every other day for a week. Then, week by week gradualy increasing the time between doses to 2,3,4 days. Then you can stop.

I was on escitalopram for almost a year. I tapered off as described above, and I still had some minor issues. They lasted approximately 5 days but since I caught a cold I was telling myself that the sweats, irritability and anxiety are related to the cold.
4 weeks after stopping the meds I had to face a major trigger which resulted with a couple of night time panic attacks. They were unpleasant but managable.

So speaking from my experience, in a couple of weeks you should be doing better. :-)

05-04-18, 22:29
I hate starting mew meds i have a major phobia of vomiting an starting new meds always makes me think "will they make me sick etc?, just wish my head was dine ans that id take the meds it took me about 6 montha to actually take the first citalopram amd tney gave me my life back but after years on them they stopped working

06-04-18, 02:39
Coming off vitalopram i was on 40mg then worked down to 10mg then stopped them 3days ago but feeling so anxious/ weak feeling... is this normal i thought going down to 10 then stopping them id be ok ?? Am waiting to start new meds but thought i wouldn't feel as bad coming off the cit ?

10mg is still a powerful dose. And the longer you take the medication, the longer it'll take to wean off/stop the drug to help minimize the side effects.

When I weaned off 10mg after taking it for ~6 months, I dropped to 5mg and took that for 3 weeks, then dropped down to 2.5mg and took that for 16 days and was fine for the most part.