View Full Version : I’m scaring myself blind

06-04-18, 01:08
hi everyone. I am an 18 year old girl. Ever since the beginning of 2018 I’ve been plagued by health anxiety. It began with chest pain and insomnia in January that made me dependent on sleeping pills, and most recently, blurred vision and 15-20 floaters both black and clear in my field of vision. I cannot go outside or look at the board at school without considering I have a brain tumor or retinal detachment that will send me into permanent blindness. My parents, after a month of begging, took me to our eye doctor who said I was completely normal and provided no further explanations or relief. I now cry and panic at the thought of having to go outside for a long period of time, and as summer approaches am dreading what the future holds for my vision. I google my symptoms every single day and panic. My parents will not tolerate me bringing this up even. Help please!

06-04-18, 01:23
Your parents know you're struggling. Perhaps if you ask them for mental health help they would be more open. My daughter came to me at your age and told me how she was struggling. I, along with her mother, made sure she got help. She goes to therapy and takes meds to help. She's doing great now. Sure, she has her moments but she has the tools to help her manage.

Ask your folks for help. I would hope they'd be willing to help you.

Positive thoughts

06-04-18, 12:40
Hey, I thought I would send you a private message. I have the same issues as you, I suffer with my vision too and it's all down to anxiety, the more I think about it the worse it gets. I find the computer doesn't help either so trying to lay off it. I take sleeping pills too which I've become dependant on... I was your age when I first took them and I'm 30 now. Message me back if you want to chat.

07-04-18, 09:37
Hey there,
You bring up a diverse range of issues. First of all, regarding your floaters, I have them often too. This is nothing to worry about. If your doctor has seen you for it, you will be okay. Just keep reminding yourself a professional has tended to you and given you the all clear. Hypochondria can often manifest itself with various symptoms relative to issues you believe you may be ailed with. On the latter issue, regarding your parents, I completely understand. My mother often finds herself overwhelmed with my panic attacks, and I would assume the same may go for your parents. They believe that there is nothing wrong with you and perhaps, by extension, cannot relate to the issues you are having. I would suggest having a sit down with them where you are open and honest about how you feel and the situation you are currently in. Once they completely understand what you are going through, I would take it to wager they will do anything in their power to support you.
Best wishes