View Full Version : Not sure if I'm in the right place

06-04-18, 06:47
I'm feeling pretty lost at the moment and I'm not sure if this site is for me or not.
Basically, I have suffered with Agoraphobia/Anxiety/Depression since about July 2001. I haven't been officially diagnosed but I feel I suffer with Social Anxiety too.
My Dad died on Sunday 1st April 2018 at 2.45am - from getting his diagnosis on 24 August 2017 of having a type of lung cancer caused by asbestos, its called Mesothelioma. It took 7 months for him to fade away.

We didn't have a mega close relationship as he married a 2nd time about 14 years a go, the woman had 2 young children (aged 3 & 4 when the first met and got together 16 years a go). When he got together with her he told me that this time he was going to right this time, meaning how he brought the girls up.

Anyhow...there's tonnes to this but I'm in such a place at the moment I don't know where to turn to. I have no friends. Im not speaking to my Mum. I have a brother but he's obviously in grief himself. What Dads illness has taught me is that I've been hiding. I haven't really told anyone how bad I am. I just stay at home. Keeping myself to myself and saying nothing. Sadly everything is flooding out of me and I cant control it - its frightening me where its all coming from....and I'm frightened what I'm going to say. I'm like a ticking bomb waiting to go off any minute

06-04-18, 06:57
Hiya cardcraft72 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

08-04-18, 13:55
Good Morning craftcard72,

I'm sad to hear about your loss. Losing a parent is hard, for me it was such a final thing not having my mom and dad with me anymore. I understand the Agoraphobia, my anxiety and panic brings that on even today.

My best advice would be to write about how you feel right here at NMP. This is a safe place to let those feelings of pain and fear go. I find that when I write it helps to ease my pain. I also recommend going outside and taking a little walk. Even if it's just around the block, the moving will help you sort things out.

Best to you on this journey craftcard72, so sorry you feel this way. Remember NMP is a safe place to vent your frustrations. Don't be afraid to say how you feel.

09-04-18, 15:50
Hi craftcard72

It is nice to meet you, although I am very sorry to hear about your bereavement and the other problems that you mentioned.

I can definitely relate to the self-isolation and hiding everything from people, and it can take a serious toll after years of doing this.

You are in the right place to let things out here, and I hope that you can get the support that you need too :hugs:

09-04-18, 21:09
Hi cardcraft72 welcome to nomorepanic and condolences for your Dad's loss :(

09-04-18, 21:38
Hello & welcome. I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s still very raw for you.

I contacted my local mind/talking therapy when I felt grief was really taking its toll on me, and they suggested a free course. Maybe you could try something similar? It might be a good way to let all the crap out.

But yes, post here. As you can see, you’re among friends.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-04-18, 17:27
Hello! Welcome, I am new here too! I am really sorry for your loss, please, take the time, talk to us here and hope we can all help each other!