View Full Version : Wisdom tooth pain - help!

06-04-18, 17:17
I had CBT treatment for anxiety last year and I've been doing great - except now I have relapsed badly and am in a state of panic. I'm hoping someone can reassure me who's maybe been through similar to this?

I have this partially erupted wisdom tooth on the bottom of my jaw, it started on Tuesday. It often happens - the gum gets sore, it's been going on for years - sometimes I can't open my mouth fully, it hurts to swallow or eat, etc but the dentist saw it in the past and just said keep it clean and rinse with salt water and it will get better. And it always has.

Well, it's happened again, so I just did the same - keep it clean, rinse with salt water, but it's not getting any better. My glands aren't swollen but there is pain on that side when I swallow. I suddenly panicked a bit so called my dentist and she offered me an appointment in a week's time (!). When I said I don't think I can go on with it that long, she got quite huffy and told me to ring on Monday for an emergency appointment.

Obviously I searched on the internet what to do - only haven't been doing anything before now because in the past this has happened 3 or 4 times before and it's gone away in a few days. And now I'm panicking about sepsis or the infection spreading, etc. There's no bad taste there, as I said, my glands aren't swollen up (not sure if that's where the pain is coming from under my jaw when I swallow), and it's worse first thing in the morning. I've felt a couple of shivers over the last few days but I don't know if I'm just cold, it does go away. I don't have a temperature, and I've taken paracetamol to manage the pain.

I'm just scared about it getting serious and not being able to get treatment over the weekend or it getting worse in the night. I think I just need a bit of reassurance. Does it sound like it's very serious?

Can anyone help?

06-04-18, 18:08
I have exactly the same thing on both bottom wisdom teeth and used to suffer terribly with infected flare ups. My dentist actually recommended I not have them taken out because they were so big and deep, the operation would be 'significant'.

I use one of those pointy toothbrushes and corsodyl gel every time I feel it getting swollen, and it's 100% stopped it getting worse over the last 10-12 years.

It's highly unlikely you'll suffer any serious side effects from this, but you would be better off using the method I do rather than just using salt water. My dentist said you really need to dig around and get the corsodyl gel (anti bacterial) in there, and it bloody hurts when you do it! :shades:

When those wisdom teeth swell up, they are really nasty though. I remember exactly what it's like.

06-04-18, 18:57
I have a pointy toothbrush! I will give it a clean - I'll have to get the Corsodyl gel tomorrow, but I do have the Corsodyl mouthwash - but I think it might make me cry though! It does really hurt. Thank you for the reassurance. I will remember this if it flares again. My dentist said the same, it would be big surgery to get it out and at the moment it's pointing in the right direction. Just taking ages to grow out. This is the 4th day, I hope it starts to improve. I just think when people are also rude to you it kind of raises your emotions. Thanks so much for the reply, I feel better already :)

06-04-18, 19:19
Hi, Sea salt in warm water rinses are by far the best. Corsodyl mouthwash is good, but it really stains your teeth. Colegate peroxyl is really good and also cleans your teeth.

I don't have any experience of wisdom tooth problems as mine had all gone in my teens. I had very sore gums last year after having some extensive dental work done, what i found that worked wonders was dentinox teething gel.

Good luck

06-04-18, 19:53
The baby teething gel like bonjela works great. Be aware though that when anxious it has to go somewhere. A few weeks ago my anxiety went to my jaw and I could hardly move it and the more I thought about it the worse it got so just take it easy. You'll be ok.. I'm currently going through an episode and not feeling great at all. XX

06-04-18, 20:28
Hi, Sea salt in warm water rinses are by far the best. Corsodyl mouthwash is good, but it really stains your teeth. Colegate peroxyl is really good and also cleans your teeth.

I don't have any experience of wisdom tooth problems as mine had all gone in my teens. I had very sore gums last year after having some extensive dental work done, what i found that worked wonders was dentinox teething gel.

Good luck

Sea salt rinses don't touch what the OP is suffering from, there is infection under the gum from the way the teeth are partially covered by the gum.

If the OP has Corsodyl mouthwash, that could be used for now until some gel is purchased. I would just put a little bit in a saucer, saturate the pointy brush and really dig it into the gums. It will hurt like a b*%&h, but it does work. You have to get something antibacterial under the gum where the infection is.

07-04-18, 02:45
Sea salt rinses don't touch what the OP is suffering from, there is infection under the gum from the way the teeth are partially covered by the gum.

If the OP has Corsodyl mouthwash, that could be used for now until some gel is purchased. I would just put a little bit in a saucer, saturate the pointy brush and really dig it into the gums. It will hurt like a b*%&h, but it does work. You have to get something antibacterial under the gum where the infection is.I am a dental hygienist and see this all the time. It is called pericoronitis. Basically you have a flap of tissue over your wisdom tooth. When tiny bits of food and bacteria get under the flap, it causes the swelling. It gets red and sore. Rinse with warm salt water. Do not keep feeling it with your tongue, it will make it more sore. If you have a small syringe you can irrigate the flap with warm salt water. The wisdom tooth needs to be evaluated for extraction. In some cases a wisdom tooth cannot be extracted, but the flap of tissue can be removed and will eliminate the problem. Avoid foods that are more likely to collect under the flap such as peanuts or popcorn. Although its painful and irritating, it is not a serious health concern. It is not cancer, not anything horrible. The irrigating syringes help remove collected debris under the flap. Also a water pik.

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07-04-18, 03:33
You are not going to get sepsis dear. I know a bunch of people who have had to wait quite a while before getting infected wisdom teeth out and no one has gotten sepsis or crazy infections that travel. You are fine. Just try to keep the pain down as best you can. You are ok.

07-04-18, 09:06
Thank you everyone - I've been cleaning with the pointy toothbrush in Corsodyl mouthwash for now - hurts a lot but this morning it does feel a little less sore. I'll keep going. And I do have a water flosser (a manual one you squeeze and it shoots water) so will use that thank you. The flap of skin is quite inflamed but I'm resisting the urge to keep feeling it to see how it's doing. I'll make an appointment with the dentist but at least I know it's not drastic, especially if it feels a bit better today and the pain is much less when I swallow, etc. Thank you for all your advice, it's really reassuring. I'll soldier on over the weekend and then ring up on Monday.