View Full Version : Speech/tongue issues

06-04-18, 19:14
So my current ongoing ALS fears have focused on my tongue. On top of the jumpy/twitchy movements, I feel like I'm having difficulty talking although to everyone else my speech sounds fine.

Has anyone had any anxiety symptoms in general where it's felt like their tongue is stiff or uncoordinated and won't work its way around words correctly? Or like your back teeth are chomping on your tongue when you try to talk? OR like your tongue is being drawn BACK into your mouth when you speak?

09-04-18, 01:37
Yes, I've had some of those symptoms and still do. My tongue began twitching last August, then died down again. I realized that it happened when I was going to see relatives who seriously stressed me out. It started up again in December, leading up to our family get-together, then died down a second time. It started a third time in March and hasn't died down because of another stressful family event hanging over my head. This time, my tongue has also started to feel swollen from time to time, which affects my speech. Like you, my family hasn't noticed, but there are times I have to work harder not to talk with a lisp. I've become afraid to talk at times, worried that everyone will notice. I have throat tightness too, bits of food seem to get stuck on the way down more often, and I have other symptoms too that may be related. Stomach bloating and acid reflux are two of them.

I saw my neurologist about this last week, and he isn't concerned, but he's ordering a head and throat MRI to be thorough. I saw my internist who ordered a few blood tests, and my GP has ordered a barium swallow test. I'm not entirely sure I need these tests, but I'm also not happy with these symptoms carrying on this way.

I think it's possible that stress can cause some of these things, as can anxiety. I was concerned about ALS at one point, but not anymore. I trust my neurologist, and if he isn't worried, neither am I. Besides, I've read in no uncertain terms that in ALS, twitching comes after significant atrophy, which I don't have, and it sounds like you don't either. Keep me updated on how things go, and see a doctor if you want to be thorough, but please don't worry!

09-04-18, 20:31
Yes, I've had some of those symptoms and still do. My tongue began twitching last August, then died down again. I realized that it happened when I was going to see relatives who seriously stressed me out. It started up again in December, leading up to our family get-together, then died down a second time. It started a third time in March and hasn't died down because of another stressful family event hanging over my head. This time, my tongue has also started to feel swollen from time to time, which affects my speech. Like you, my family hasn't noticed, but there are times I have to work harder not to talk with a lisp. I've become afraid to talk at times, worried that everyone will notice. I have throat tightness too, bits of food seem to get stuck on the way down more often, and I have other symptoms too that may be related. Stomach bloating and acid reflux are two of them.

I saw my neurologist about this last week, and he isn't concerned, but he's ordering a head and throat MRI to be thorough. I saw my internist who ordered a few blood tests, and my GP has ordered a barium swallow test. I'm not entirely sure I need these tests, but I'm also not happy with these symptoms carrying on this way.

I think it's possible that stress can cause some of these things, as can anxiety. I was concerned about ALS at one point, but not anymore. I trust my neurologist, and if he isn't worried, neither am I. Besides, I've read in no uncertain terms that in ALS, twitching comes after significant atrophy, which I don't have, and it sounds like you don't either. Keep me updated on how things go, and see a doctor if you want to be thorough, but please don't worry!

Thank you so much for taking the time out to respond! I'm trying not to seek reassurance as I know that's not healthy, but sometimes, I can't help myself. I'm trying not to worry about it, but in my mind, at least, my tongue feels like it's getting progressively worse day by day. My speech hasn't really changed all that much, but the way my tongue feels is getting increasingly uncomfortable. It's difficult not to worry about symptoms you've never experienced before. It still boggles my mind that anxiety symptoms this severe can just suddenly hit you out of nowhere after years of dealing with anxiety without anything more than classic racing heart and shortness of breath.

I'd go to my PCP about it, but unfortunately, they've already written me off as just an anxiety case, and anything that I go in with, I have a strong feeling is going to result in me being told to just relax and continue my medication and therapy. I think I'm going to have to find a new doctor who will, at the very least, do an assessment on me and take my concerns seriously before completely writing me off.

09-04-18, 20:40
Read THIS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) as many times as you need to, especially the part about speech.

Positive thoughts

09-04-18, 21:09
wow, yes. I get this often. have had it for awhile too. the exact words you use are exactly how it feels:

09-04-18, 21:36
I've read this before Fishmanpa. You've linked it to me in another post. I try to read it often, but unfortunately, the anxiety gets the best of me sometimes, especially when it is able to twist symptoms to meet criteria.

09-04-18, 21:47
I've read this before Fishmanpa. You've linked it to me in another post. I try to read it often, but unfortunately, the anxiety gets the best of me sometimes, especially when it is able to twist symptoms to meet criteria.

And I'll keep posting it every time your anxiety gets the best of you :winks:

Positive thoughts

09-04-18, 21:57
wow, yes. I get this often. have had it for awhile too. the exact words you use are exactly how it feels:

Well, I guess it's a good thing that a couple people have experienced this, so it's probably not a big deal! But I am sorry you're having to deal with it, too. I need to stop checking my tongue so much because I think I might be agitating it somewhat.

---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 16:55 ----------

And I'll keep posting it every time your anxiety gets the best of you :winks:

Positive thoughts

Haha I appreciate it. I hope there's a day soon where I won't have to come on here, at all.