View Full Version : Anxiety and the bladder

07-04-18, 03:31
Hi, I posted earlier about a fear of interstitial cystitis. I ams till fighting that fear, I have ordered marshmallow root (which isn't working) and D mannose and aloe vera pills which I have yet to try. I have some sort of constant awareness of my bladder. It bugs me all the time, and only fades when I am super busy. I have a huge past of anxiety and OCD. I am also taking Zoloft, but obviously is not doing much. I am desperate for people who can relate, or guide me in the right direction. It has been 5 months. From the day I got the symptoms, I have worried about IC and the fear gets stronger and stronger each day. Help!!!

07-04-18, 06:58
Hi. There are a few of us having bladder issues atm. Have a look at the bladder cancer vs UTI thread started by Cattia - it’s quite long now. I’m having major issues with my bladder currently - constant urge to urinate, discomfort over my bladder & in urethra, even some leaks *blush* it’s dreadful. I alternate between thinking it’s all down to anxiety causing OAB & irritation & thinking there’s something seriously wrong with me.

07-04-18, 07:42
Yes, come and visit my thread, there are lots of us going through the same. I was up peeing three times last night and also have constant bladder awareness, not really pain as such, but mild discomfort. I'm terrified of IC too.

09-04-20, 22:47
Did this ever go away . I've been going through this for a month now .it's driving me insane. I go to loo and need straight away absolutely awful . Xx

10-04-20, 11:30
I get flare ups of stress-induced cystitis with anxiety. I try to do a flush every morning (drinking a big glass of water or a few glasses of water in one go) I do this even if I don’t have symptoms. What I found kicks it quickest though, for me, is drinking CBD tea (the loose leaf CBD hemp is stronger than the tea bags and if you can get CBD bud that’s even better) I find that kicks my flare up. I always keep some somewhere incase I need it. Hot water may be more beneficial than cold, too X