View Full Version : Hi from Essex

07-04-18, 16:29
Hi Peeps,

Thankyou for having me, please be gentle im way out of my comfort zone here.

Suffering from Anxiety which just seems to go from mild to severe weeks apart.

Hoping to make some friends who i can relate to here, suffering at the moment with my Heart Skipping beats :( Pretty sure sure its stress related but as usually im working myself up about it which is just making it all worse :/

My wife doesn't understand my Anxiety at :( i hate anything medical and taking pills etc can do herbal stuff though etc.

Anyway will post in the relivent section just thought id say hi

07-04-18, 16:36
Hiya harley15 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

07-04-18, 16:43
Hiya harley15 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Thankyou for the very kind welcome, im 39 and tbh i feel like a big baby tbh, Getting really down latly and annoyed with myself that i cant get my head around my worries.

Thankyou once again will be looking around the forum:)

07-04-18, 19:50
Hi there, please don't feel like a big baby you are suffering from anxiety and it can effect anyone.
I can promise you I've had a lot of problems opening up to people about my own anxiety and panic attacks for years and it's only recently I started dealing with it head on. I have stayed away from medication and have tried lots of other alternatives with varying success and would be happy to offer any suggestions I can.
Can I ask what your main symptoms and worries are and I'll try to talk through them with you.
All the best Johnny.

08-04-18, 18:50
Hi Johnny,

Main stream worries, its a tough one, sometime's i dont relise i'm worrying till its all built up then i have abit of a melt down, Atm i'm suffering from Skipped Heart beats, which im pretty sure is stress related.

My Main Anxiety is anything medical related, i just "cant" go see the doc's , i had a foot infection diagnosed today and was shaky/uneasy but got sorted out.

I worry about my Business, my 3 of 6 kids which have diabilities, Stupid stuff like my car i sold to a chap last month, Also trying to buy a replacement car. I always seem tobe stressing about stuff my only outlet seems tobe Road cycling when im out on the bike my troubles dont seem to bother me after a while.

I've just started taking CBD oil and Hemp oil, and its really helping me relax and sleep as i find it hard to go off at night.

Im trying to cut out caffine and consequently had a headache all today which go's if i have a cup of tea, only to return 4 hours later :/

Sorry if i've gone on abit or missed the point. :weep:

08-04-18, 20:06
Hello mate,
Well it seems like you have an awful lot on your mind and are letting it all overwhelm you. Firstly with regard to your skipped heart beats although I'm not a doctor I can assure you it is a very common symptom of stress/anxiety and unless it is always presenthe I am sure it is stress related. Having 6 children myself I can assure you that whatever the circumstances you will spend the rest of your days worried,stressed and anxious over there welfare,health and happiness this is 100% normal and is something you need to try and rationalise as best you can , easy to say I know but try to talk through your worries with your wife or someone close.
With regard to selling your old car and buying a new car what is playing on your mind ? I'm happy to offer advice if you can explain more.
With regard herbal remedies there are plenty to choose from and if you have found some that are working stick with them, caffeine is a big no no I cut it out a few months ago and it has definitely helped, I now drink caffeine free green tea and camomile before bed I have found it helps ( being a tetley and strong coffee fan i hated them at first but you get to like them )with getting off at night which I've had major issues with, I have great difficulty switching off stress/anxiety at bed time and the other thing I have found helps is audio books ,I'm a keen reader but have found audio books are more relaxing and send me to sleep. Also drinking hot boiled water before bed is a good shout as it helps with the digestive system and circulation as well as other benefits which aid sleep.
Lastly with your problems going to see doctors and fear of medical issues is this health anxiety as in a fear of finding out you have something wrong with you or all your fears about your health being confirmed, if so I can definitely help there to.
Keep your chin up Johnny.

09-04-18, 15:40
Hi Harley15

You are definitely not alone in what you say, and it's nice to meet you :D