View Full Version : Odd Dizzy sensation.

07-04-18, 21:14
I'm at it again

I'm convinced my anxiety is wrecking a part of my body then moving on, now I've got something else that bugs me a bit and wondered if anyone had experienced it because its hard to describe

I've had a slight headache for a few weeks which is fair enough, I put it down to some eye strain as it seems better when I'm not glued to a screen reading about cancer.

I've got this..other weird problem where it seems my heartbeat is a bit stronger than usual and faster (normally its only about 45, at the moment its resting around 65 - I know thats still fine but for me its odd!) I think when my heartbeat it can make me...dizzy for a split second? or if I move my head quickly my sight isnt quite right immediately it takes a bit longer to focus, its a very bizarre feeling that I've never had before so obviously it worries me. I feel..very very slightly uneven, I don't think I'd ever fall over/faint or anything but its Very distracting, I can sit here scroll a load of text down and its like my eyes take a split second longer to catch up/focus, I just know its not right/normal!

Anxiety? Incredibly sensitive to things? heartbeat related? I'm not immediately jumping on the brain tumour bandwagon just yet but I know I don't enjoy it! (I'm new to the whole health anxiety thing)

07-04-18, 21:38
I think what you're describing seems similar to something that I get, kinda, but could never put into words.

That sounds like the kind of sensation I have - like, I'm not sure about the heartbeat feeling stronger/faster, it's not really something I notice specifically - but feeling that your pulse is causing a strange, very short dizzy-ish sensation in one brief moment? And yeah, I never feel like I'll actually fall, but it's a strange and very temporary discomfort. What I experience doesn't even seem like it could count as 'dizziness', really.

Again, I'm not really sure if it the same thing, but I hope my answer is a little reassuring! I don't get it constantly, but it's enough to unnerve me, for sure.

I've dealt with a varying amount of anxiety symptoms most of my life, and as far as I can recall, this particular symptom seemed to have stopped for a while, while I was taking iron tablets for deficiency anemia about a year and a half ago. But it's kinda making a comeback, so I wonder if it's low-iron again... I also constantly forget to drink water and my sleep schedule is horrendous, so I try to assume it's just those.

But I'll give you the generic 'talk to your doctor' answer and recommend just asking your GP about it - when I told mine about 'strange... dizziness? I'm not sure?' she sent me for a blood test to check iron levels. Low and behold, I was apparently quite low.

---------- Post added at 06:38 ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 ----------

Oh! And, yes, I get this weird sort of 'eye jolt' sensation (as I call it, anyway) when I'm scrolling down a page. Like it takes a split second for my eyes to adjust, for some reason. Again though, it's so hard to explain.
> w < ) /

08-04-18, 00:22

Yeah I'd go with that. It's a weird thing to describe but what your describing is certainly agree with.

I've just been binging on Netflix for a few hours and only had a couple of "episodes".. Now im back to text and here we go again..

I had a blood test end of February for my.. Bowel issues. I don't actually know what it tested I'm kind of presuming they would have checked for anemia but all that came back fine? I Was anemic years ago with a kidney problem and I never got this.. Interesting though! Maybe I'm not going completely mad!