View Full Version : when you have a HA ??

welsh girl
08-04-18, 09:59
HI Everyone
Just a small thing I hope someone could identify with,
When I have an attack a very frightening feeling jumps from my chest up to my throat, it only lasts seconds but starts me off with a panic attack, thinking the worst.
Also has anyone found that when you use the PC and get worked up doing something important ,or even discussing a topic which concerns you, do you find you get a painful knot in the top of your tummy? it goes later if I gently massage it,
It would be nice to get these little worries ironed out, thanks in advance.

08-04-18, 10:42
I would guess the jumps are palpitations - you being more aware of your heart beat. They probably signal that your anxiety levels are climbing before you have a panic attack. Do you see a counsellor to see if you can work out what’s going on for you before the palpitations start? The knot in your tummy is so common with anxiety.

welsh girl
08-04-18, 11:32
Oh thanks for your reply, just confirmed what I hoped.
No. I have not seen anyone , I think I might have to, but am worried I might see a young person as I would feel more comfortable with a more mature Lady.
Nothing against the young it is purely me feeling silly.