View Full Version : Overwhelmed...

16-12-04, 10:56

I have all these symptoms and I've come to believe that I absolutely must have something bad behind them all that doctors just haven't found. I'm really worried and desperate, I feel terrible.

I have osteoporosis (brittle bones), which was diagnosed when I was 10.

My left eye is weaker than my right eye, and when I'm in a lit room with my eyes closed and then open them I see things, especially white surfaces, with a green tint with my left eye. I see a bunch of floaters with my left eye. Sometimes I feel like my left eye is being squeezed. When I'm in the dark I feel like my left eye has weak peripheral vision. Last summer I was in the car on a sunny day and I got this weird problem where I couldn't see straight for about an hour.

I have depersonalization which started BEFORE my panic attacks and agoraphobia. The depersonalization started in 2000 and it gets worse all the time, it feels progressive, now it's really bad and I'm hopeless about it, I almost know it won't get better. It started so mild that it didn't bother me, then one day it got worse, 6 months after that it got even worse, and so on...and it always stays worse whenever it worsens.

I have loads of moles. And I mean A LOT. I get new ones every day, or so it seems.

Warm showers make me feel very fatigued and dizzy. I get headaches very easily. A couple of times when I've held my neck in a bad position for only brief times I've gotten this horrible stinging pain in my head.

I can hear/feel my heartbeat when I have my ear against something, such as a pillow. I can also feel it everywhere during/after exercise.

Sometimes just touching some part of my body, especially around my upper lip, gives me stinging pain.

I sweat in my sleep.

I've been anemic, I'm currently not thanks to iron supplements.

I'm sure I left things out...

I've been to some blood tests, a brain scan, a neuropsychiatric test, a test for celiac disease, an eye check about the floaters, and some other small testing. Nothing has been found and my family keeps telling me I'm fine. I can only disagree...

I'm on Cipralex which isn't helping except keeping the panic attacks away, not completely though.

No one understands and I feel like I'm near as good as dead. :( I don't find that hard to believe at all now that my sister killed herself on the 27th.

These symptoms have been going on for long, some of them for a decade, some a few years. I wish someone would help me because I don't want to die yet, I'm 20 years old.

16-12-04, 14:21
Hi Kroko, I can honestly say I have most of your symptoms and some of my own. With your shock of your sister added to it all I am not surprised you feel so ill. I have been nearly always convinced they have missed something too. But with some hard pushing to try some relaxation regular I am finding things getting a little better. It’s so hard to do but u must try and relax and ignore these symptoms, as u knows worry will only make you feel worst? Take care Vernon

16-12-04, 14:47
hello Kroko,

All of your symptoms can be anxiety related. Lots of people suffer from the same ones due to anxiety. You do suffer from a lot of symptoms but that doesn't mean that there is something else that is wrong with you. As Vern says, you have had lots going on lately and it is no wonder that you feel the way you do. Just hang in there.

Sarah :D

17-12-04, 15:34
We all get weird side effects and wonder if they will ever go away.

As long as you have been given the all clear by the doc then they are all anxiety related. Hard to accept I know - I was the same as you and couldn't believe it was JUST anxiety.

I hope things pick up for you soon but definitely try some relaxation techniques to help you calm down.


17-12-04, 17:25
I've been given the all clear in that I've been referred to psychiatrists when they haven't found what's wrong with me. I just feel like they don't know what to look for, so they don't find it! I'm convinced that I have some big disease that causes everything, even my osteoporosis.