View Full Version : Psychic??

08-04-18, 16:10
So I have this friend who kind of has some sort of psychic powers. She痴 predicted things before that will happen in the future for me, and I知 not all about that kind of stuff, but I trust her. Well I needed her advice on whether or not to stay on the Lexapro I just started taking 4 days ago, because I知 having horrible insomnia problems while on it, and she said to get off of it slowly because it might hurt me even more. Now I知 scared and I have no idea what to do, everyone around me says to ignore her and keep taking it, but I知 freaking out so bad!!

08-04-18, 19:15
Please try and consult a medical professional and trust their advice over your friend's. Psychic or not, I'm assuming she's not a doctor, and even though her advice may be well-intended, I'd advise not changing your medication dose without a doctor's advice.

14-04-18, 17:22
No offense and I know a lot of people do this, but it's not wise to place your life decisions in the hands of psychic/paranormal phenomenon.

Here's the thing. Lexapro and all other antidepressants have a tendency to cause side effects. These side effects are often worse at the start of treatment and will subside over the course of a few weeks to a few months.

Insomnia is a common one with Lexapro/Cipralex and is infact common with just about all of them.

Under no circumstances do you stop taking medication without discussing it with your doctor first.

Antidepressants are very safe, cheap and effective. Everyone responds differently to them but I can say for certain that when I first was diagnosed with GAD in my teens, Citalopram saved my life.

I would view psychics with a healthy amount of pessimism. You are in control of your own life.