View Full Version : Anaphylaxis fear - reassurance needed!

08-04-18, 18:58
Hi everyone,

My anxiety and ocd has been really bad again for several months now and I’ve decided to go back on meds (sertraline 50mg)

The last time I tried meds was in January (citalopram 10mg) I was on them 3 weeks and then one day started to itch like crazy, all over my body. I then came out in hives all over my legs and with some on my arms and my body felt like it was on fire. I was terrified and stopped taking them. It’s important to note at this time I was also on a herbal supplement called Angus castus for PMS, hadn’t eaten anything new, hadn’t changed my detergent etc. I had taken citalopram in doses up to 20mg a few years back and never had any skin rashes/hives

I’m on day 4 of sertraline and have started now to panic about developing an allergic reaction. I already feel like my face is itching but I think it’s just because I’ve been fearing a severe allergic reaction.

My question is this - if I was to go in to anaphylactic shock would it happen after the first dose? Or could it technically happen 4 days/4 weeks/4 months in?

I’m feeling so scared right now but really need this medication because my anxiety is so bad. I am feeling better than I did last week and I want to continue to improve without having a bad reaction :(

Thanks in advance!

08-04-18, 20:00
No anaphylaxis can't start 4 days/weeks or months into taking something. Anaphylaxis is a sudden and acute medical emergency event, seconds/ minutes after encountering the substance. It can be sometimes, rarely, be delayed by hours. (disclaimer, I'm not a medic obviously, but I've looked this up in the past as I have feared anaphylaxis from medications ;o) Of course side-effects and some more minor allergic responses, I believe, can occur later, but they are not the same thing as anaphylaxis.

08-04-18, 20:08
Check with your doc on this. It sounds like maybe your liver is not metabolizing the medications or is being over taxed by something. Are you noticing any yellowing in your eyes or skin? Anyway. Get off any herbal supplements you are taking, they are more than likely the culprit. Just because the are herbal doesn't mean they are safe.

08-04-18, 20:16
Thank you both for your responses! Jrcoleman, I stopped taking the herbal supplements back in February so hoping they are out of my system now, and hopefully they were the cause of my hives outbreak back then as opposed to the medication. No yellowing either, thankfully :)

Carys, that is really reassuring. I am trying not to google too much in order to beat this awful health anxiety. It’s comforting to know you fear the same thing, thanks for doing your research! :) even if I do come out in hives again at least i won’t be as afraid of anaphylaxis. The last time it happened I phoned the doctor and they said it should be ok to keep taking them, that it wasn’t likely the medication causing it as I’d been on them for 3 weeks at that stage. When will I ever learn to trust the professionals lol!

08-04-18, 21:45
You are welcome. Keep an eye on if you develop any more itching or symptoms, and tell the doc, as the poster above says. A delayed allergy causing a rash is a possibility for anybody, as you become more sensitised to a medication, but you won't keel over dramatically I'm sure :) I had surgery a couple of years ago, my first ever, and was terrified of anaphylaxis from the meds they put into you (I am scared of all meds). The anaethetist spent time discussing anaphylaxis with me too, its one of my 'pet worries', even though I've never had any allergic reaction to anything LOL A funny story....I was at a work 'do' 10 years ago and got my first ever wasp sting on the ankle. I was sat at the table and leaped up, running towards the exit of the pub, hyperventilating, feeling I was about to collapse, leaning against the wall holding my chest, and was certain I had anaphylaxis as my throat was swelling etc etc. Everyone saw me, I was mortified, especially when all that happened was that it locally itched and hurt for a week or so. lol

08-04-18, 22:09
Oh you poor thing! I have never been stung by a wasp and I’m 25, I dread the day it happens as I’m sure I’ll be the same lol! I too am afraid of meds, I took a bad reaction to paracetamol not so long ago even though I’ve taken it all my life for headaches and other pains. My heart was racing and everything - turns out it was the fast acting stuff with tonnes of caffeine in it and I’d been drinking Irish coffee all day haha!

09-04-18, 11:32
I was nearly 40 when I was stung.....so got a long way further than 25. Had a couple more stings since and reacted less badly even than that lol

12-04-18, 18:58
Oh dear - not feeling very reassured :(

All was going well until Tuesday night - I took a hot shower and when I got out my feet were covered in hives. I put it down to the heat as it was really warm when I got in and the hot water stung my feet. Then last night, was feeling chilled out until it was time for bed, took my shoes off and got my pyjamas on and I had hives around my knees. This evening I’ve just got home from work and have hives above my knee again :(

I’m feeling so disheartened and so scared to take my medication again. Part of me is scared that I’ll start swelling and won’t be able to breathe, and part of me is worried that I have some type of cancer that’s making it difficult for my body to process the medication :(

I’m absolutely terrified guys - can someone help?

13-04-18, 11:29
Go back to the doctor. Noone here can tell you what is causing the allergic reaction. Maybe you need to see an allergist. You can put anaphylaxis out of your head. As a teacher I’m trained to recognise and treat anaphylaxis in children. It is nothing like you describe.