View Full Version : Panic attack when heart rate increases from physical activities

08-04-18, 22:08

I am having this and cannot find a cure to overcome the situations:

Riding a bicycle, coming to a steep hill, i am going uphil, heart rate suddenly rises to 150, boom panick attack
Playing tennis with a friend, we have a run of several shots, heart rate suddenly rises, panick attack
I am trying to prepare for this by working out on stationary bike, but as soon as i get 130 bpm i become anxious and stop.

To me high bmp - danger, it is subconscious I believe.

Anyone have any thoughts how to overcome this?

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09-04-18, 16:50
I am dealing with the same thing. I freak out when I feel my heart beating out of my chest. The doctor suggests that I just go with the feeling and that i'll feel better afterwards. I haven't found a solution yet. I think distracting yourself and not thinking about your heart would be good. I'm going to try that myself. Easier said than done, I know!

09-04-18, 18:22
Feel the same way. Being in a controlled enviroment helped me, i mean veloergometry test. Docs maxed out my bpm for several minutes. And now i feel better, not fine but ok.

09-04-18, 20:03
I suffered with this for years after I was hospitalised with tachycardia. My HR got 'stuck' at 120-130bpm for about 36 hours. I got checked out and nothing was wrong, but in hindsight the stress I was under at that time in my life was absurd.

Anyway, that episode caused me to freak out every time my HR went about about 90bpm, causing me a lengthy period of self enforced sedentary lifestyle. The side effect of this was that it became harder and harder to do anything physical without my HR spiking as I got more out of shape.

This lasted about 5 years, until enough was enough.

I 'cured' myself by prolonged self exposure therapy. I would pace up and down until my HR got to about 100, then keep pacing for 5-10 minutes until I got used to it. I then started doing light workouts, doing push ups until my HR went up to 120-130bpm, then letting it come down again. I would then quickly do some squats.....same thing. Etc etc.

Eventually my brain remembered that my HR would go up if I exercised, and that it's fine.

You can even practice with sex, which isn't the worst thing in the world.....

10-04-18, 03:04
I am struggling a lot with this, too. Before I started experiencing panic attacks and anxiety again in February, I was in the gym doing an hour of cardio five times a week. Now I’m terrified because an increased heart rate triggers a panic attack for me, too. I am trying to at least walk every day and slowly build myself back up. My doctor wants me to keep exercising the way I used to, but it’s scary right now.

You’re not alone. We will keep fighting this battle.

10-04-18, 16:46
I suffered with this for years after I was hospitalised with tachycardia. My HR got 'stuck' at 120-130bpm for about 36 hours. I got checked out and nothing was wrong, but in hindsight the stress I was under at that time in my life was absurd.

Anyway, that episode caused me to freak out every time my HR went about about 90bpm, causing me a lengthy period of self enforced sedentary lifestyle. The side effect of this was that it became harder and harder to do anything physical without my HR spiking as I got more out of shape.

This lasted about 5 years, until enough was enough.

I 'cured' myself by prolonged self exposure therapy. I would pace up and down until my HR got to about 100, then keep pacing for 5-10 minutes until I got used to it. I then started doing light workouts, doing push ups until my HR went up to 120-130bpm, then letting it come down again. I would then quickly do some squats.....same thing. Etc etc.

Eventually my brain remembered that my HR would go up if I exercised, and that it's fine.

You can even practice with sex, which isn't the worst thing in the world.....Were you doing this alone or someone was with you during those times you tried to get back in shape?

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10-04-18, 19:46
Most of the time I was alone, although that wasn't an important or conscious choice. I just knew I had to get off my ass and push through the anxiety barrier.

I also binge watched videos like this to keep reminding myself that the thing I was worried about is absolutely, 100%, completely normal.


16-04-18, 15:36
The other worry for me is that doctor said that BP could raise drastically during the panic attack and it is not ok to try to overcome it by staying with it, but i do not believe it. I think that our bodies can cope with occasional Panic attacks, otherwise this disorder would be more serious than it is now.

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16-04-18, 16:17
Your Doctor is an idiot.

19-04-18, 02:13
This happens to me. I went for a walk tonight. My heart rate went up just a little. This was not a strenuous activity. I immediately went into panic mode and began to hyperventilate. I am still having shortness of breath with some wheezing. I am trying to be active in an effort to relieve my anxiety and instead it is so much worse.