View Full Version : Frequent Urination Troubles

08-04-18, 23:45
Hello all. I am brand new to the forums, but just reading posts in this community has helped me loads in the past with my perceived problems that I thought I had. But now I've been having something real going on. For the past 4 months, I have been urinating many times during the day, and pretty much every time I go, it is a good, normal amount. Even if I hardly drink anything all day, I still am running to the bathroom. I am a 23 year old male, btw.

It started in December, a week before Christmas, randomly. I visited a local clinic in January, thinking it was maybe a UTI, and told them my only notable symptom was frequent urination. They took a urine test and blood work, and both came back clean. The nurse also told me that sometimes patients come in with this problem and they cannot find a direct cause of it.

Physically, I feel great. I have no pain, burning, blood, etc. The only symptom I am experiencing is frequent urination. I am aware that anxiety can cause frequent urination, but I was not worrying about anything before this happened. Also, when it first started happening and I became worried about it, I was really going to the bathroom a lot, like once or twice an hour. But after I came back from the clinic, I was more calm about it and the bathroom trips seemed to cool off quite a bit, now maybe once every two hour, but the frequent urination is still noticeably there.

I also have noticed myself getting up in the middle of the night more often to urinate. It's not every single night and it has never been more than one time in a night.

The only diet change I have made before this happened is that I stopped drinking Diet sodas and other sugary drinks, and now I drink a lot of water instead.

I guess I am just puzzled as to what this could be? I don't have any other symptoms besides frequent urination, and I know it's not anxiety causing it because it's still there despite me having calmed down about it over the past 4 months. I am a young male in my 20's and the fact that it has not worsened over the months has lead me to believe that it's not something serious. Wouldn't something serious also have shown up in the urine and blood tests they did at the clinic?

I am not asking for medical advice or anything. I guess I just want some people's opinions as to what this could be and if anyone else has experienced this? Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any input at all, I really do appreciate it.

09-04-18, 00:15
Even if I hardly drink anything all day.......I drink a lot of water instead.

:huh: So do you drink a lot of water or not? I drink a lot of liquid. Upwards of a gallon a day and I pee a lot too. Other than being a PITA having to get up 1-2x a night, I don't think about it :shrug:

Positive thoughts

09-04-18, 00:34
:huh: So do you drink a lot of water or not? I drink a lot of liquid. Upwards of a gallon a day and I pee a lot too. Other than being a PITA having to get up 1-2x a night, I don't think about it :shrug:

What I should have said is that I only drink water, nothing else. I wouldn't say I drink a lot of water I guess, maybe 2 or 3 bottles worth spread throughout the day. What I meant is that I drink only water, but even if there is a day I really don't drink any, I still have to use the bathroom frequently.

09-04-18, 00:44
Sounds normal to me, especially since it's a symptom of anxiety (fight or flight response) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet) and the fact that it calmed down when you did affirms that.

Positive thoughts

09-04-18, 21:17
I thought it could be the anxiety, but getting up in the middle of the night to urinate makes me believe it is not. I also thought it could be an overactive bladder. I guess my main concern is it always seems like I am urinating in large amounts despite not drinking much, if any, fluids. It's like I go to the bathroom, and within a half hour or so, I get that feeling of needing to go again. I've been trying to keep myself from going only every 2-3 hours, and that itself is hard enough.

09-04-18, 21:46
When you say bottles, how many litres? When I don’t drink enough during the day, I often find myself up in the night to wee more. It’s so odd.

I’m going to guess yours is anxiety related maybe. As soon as you stop focusing on it, it’ll get less important, and will happen less. Just like it did after you went to the clinic.

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09-04-18, 21:56
When you say bottles, how many litres? When I don’t drink enough during the day, I often find myself up in the night to wee more. It’s so odd.

I’m going to guess yours is anxiety related maybe. As soon as you stop focusing on it, it’ll get less important, and will happen less. Just like it did after you went to the clinic.

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2 bottles would be about 1 liter, so I drink about 1 and a half liters a day. Some days may be more, some days may be less. But despite the amount I drink, it still seems I have to urinate many times and it's always a full load.

09-04-18, 22:14
Testing showed nothing wrong so.... :shrug:

Positive thoughts

10-04-18, 22:13
Could be a sign of diabetes. Get that checked out

11-04-18, 08:58
There is a few of us going through this.

I'm male and have the same problem going on 3 months. I've seen some improvement the last month though. Mine started after a 6 month period of extreme anxiety had just ended.

11-04-18, 09:04
This is on of the cruelest aspects of anxiety. Where you have a normal everyday bodily function (urination) that becomes your focus. You then analyse every trip top the toilet, every sensation of needing to urinate, you become entirely fixated on your bladder. I have it, it can be extremely distressing. A few things that may help, look up "Kegels" these are exercises to train your bladder and urethra, keep a diary of how much you drink and what times you go. I find when I am fixated on another aspect of my anxiety, or when I am actually enjoying myself and relaxing, the sensations and frequency seem to lessen, in my experience.


11-04-18, 14:29
I often go more regularly when I am nervous or going somewhere I know the toilets are not going to be good, sometimes where I go tho the plaves mainly football, I drink less that day and wait to get back home.