View Full Version : Grayish/purple fingertips??

09-04-18, 01:49
I noticed some mild pain in my right thumb and as I looked, my fingertips looked a bit grayish/purple, especially the thumbs. There’s also some visible veins on my middle and ring fingers on my both hands as well as a little light spot on both my thumbs. Really freaking out (google didn’t help) and afraid to go to sleep (it’s currently 4am in my timezone). Please help if you have any ideas to what this could be. I tried to take some pictures to demonstrate but it doesn’t show up that much on camera, just a little purple.

09-04-18, 08:59
You know what, I bet, that you're fingers are not purple at all - or if they are it's normal. I went through THIS EXACT THING and after a day of not looking and looking again I realized that they were normal, I thought they were the exact same - greyish/purple. - I was just perceiving them to be more purple because I was on high alert with my anxiety and if they were purple it's not indicative of anything ;)

14-04-18, 00:57
You know what, I bet, that you're fingers are not purple at all - or if they are it's normal. I went through THIS EXACT THING and after a day of not looking and looking again I realized that they were normal, I thought they were the exact same - greyish/purple. - I was just perceiving them to be more purple because I was on high alert with my anxiety and if they were purple it's not indicative of anything ;)

Thank you so much for this! It helped a bunch knowing someone else had also gone through this exact silly thing, turns out they were fine, it was just the lighting I guess 😅

14-04-18, 16:57
I get this all the time too!
More-so with my toenails, actually, and I always panic that I've got poor circulation going or something. But either way, I obsess over it for a good while before I get tired of burning myself out on it and try to focus on something else. I always feel like taking a warm shower helps bring the colour (and my relief) back, though! 0w0 )/

15-04-18, 03:11
You could have raynauds? I do according to my records and the tips of your hands will go white and then bright red and burn when the blood gets flowing. Also being anxious all the time you body will keep your core warm and the extremeties will get cold. Part of the fight or flight.