View Full Version : hypnic jerks or anixety

09-04-18, 03:57
So bascially this is another late night post. Since June it's been impossible for me to get a good night's sleep. Between a number of ever going and long medical issues.

Recently I had to go to hospital at my doctor asking to get my heart checked. After chest xray, three ECG and a number of special blood tests theye said there was nothing wrong and sent me on my way. Yet this doesn't feel like the case.

I've been treated for stomach and Gerd issues that won't go away. They said they notice something wrong with my kidneys so I'm waiting on a CT scan. Pains are becoming stronger in that area now. The list goes on and on.

Yet my biggest issue trying to sleep. I can't remember the last time know slept before 6 am. With college and work this is stressing me. I keep getting these strange feelings when I'm laying down and trying to see - or somtimes sitting upright and taking a nap. I suddenly feel like my body is falling, causing me to jolt up. Someetings it takes me a moment take so realise I'm fine and sometimes my breating is heavy afterwards. It's like I'm falling I to black and my body is ****ing to stop it. I can't live like this anymore. Please help.

09-04-18, 05:34
Hi Sarah.

I'm no doctor, but I spent most of last year in terrible medical shape, so my advice is coming from that perspective.

Never mind college. Never mind work. Your health is the most important thing in your life - physical and mental. Please don't be afraid to take time off. Most people are understanding and can work around your health if you let them know what's going on.

I hope your scan comes back and they know exactly how to treat you. Almost a year is longer than anyone should have to suffer from one issue or a bunch of issues. It might be a while before doctors have you back in top-shape though, so all the more reason you should start now trying to lower your stress and fix your sleep issues. The fastest way to do that is to just have less on your plate to worry about.

I know forums like this can be annoying - you're basically talking to the void and hoping for a response. Again, I'm not a doctor but if you need someone to talk to feel free to send a message my way.

09-04-18, 09:06
Hypnic jerks are extremley annoying and usually caused by stress/anxiety and also your body being knackered.