View Full Version : Nighttime panic attacks? Really scared

09-04-18, 06:34
I am feeling so helpless. For the second night in a row now and the fifth in about a week, I have awoken after about 2 hours of sleep with what I can only guess is a nocturnal panic attack. I wake up trembling violently, feeling like I can’t breathe, numbness in my limbs, dizzy, and completely disoriented and disconnected. I don’t feel suicidal during the day, even when I have a panic attack, but these moments give me some brief and terrible thoughts about just wanting it to all end.

I am writing in my panic attack journal and sipping on some water, but I’m terrified to go back to sleep even though I’m exhausted. Any help would be so appreciated. I’m wondering if this could be a side effect of my medication as well? I’ve recently been started on 10mg Citalopram/.5mg Klonopin in the mornings.

Thank you for your time.

09-04-18, 08:41
Sometimes your anxiety increases when you first start taking a new medication or a new dose. It takes a number of weeks for your body to adjust to the new medication/dosage.
I used to suffer from nighttime panic attacks lots, and the best advice I can give you is to make sure you wake up properly and either walk around your room a little, have a drink of water and keep rationalising what's happening. Rationalising is very difficult to do when you're in a semi-conscious state.

09-04-18, 16:48
Yes! I had panic attacks when I started taking medication. They usually increase anxiety at first (for some people). I'm so sensitive to these meds and have been taking klonopin daily for a year and trying different SSRI's. Nothing has worked so far (expect klonopin). Ugh, I know how scary and exhausting it is!

09-04-18, 20:47
Nothing other than Klonopin has ever worked for me too! It's like these anti-depressants work well for a couple of months, but it's only when on Klonopin that I actually feel normal. It's really annoying, so I completely understand where you're coming from. :(

10-04-18, 00:25
Thank you all so much for your input. I really appreciate it. I wonder if I should take my other .5mg of Klonopin before bed? It is prescribed for up to twice daily, but I have only been using one pill in the mornings and haven't noticed much help.

My disorientation only lasted a minute or so, and I just had a feeling that I could not gather myself, where I was, or what was going on. After that I just settled into panic.