View Full Version : Anxiety before or during work

09-04-18, 07:45
So all weekend my anxiety has been great but now it’s monday and I have to go to work I have this overwhelming anxiety does anyone else have problems when they know they have to go to work and there anxiety comes back again ? It’s hard for me because I do love my job please help

09-04-18, 08:45
YES!!! I'm exactly the same! I feel very tense today, too, because it's Monday and it's time to go to work. :( Every single time before I leave the house, I shiver in fear. It's ridiculous because, just like you, I like my job.
My therapist has advised me to focus on the positive aspects of leaving the house and going to work. She tells me to think about how good I'll feel once it's done and how rewarding I find my work. I suppose it's about shifting your focus from negative to positive.
I hope your day at work goes well. :)

09-04-18, 08:51
Definately that’s really good advice I always think to myself how proud I Should be that even though I have anxiety I go to work still which is an achievement in itself hope you have a great day !

09-04-18, 09:54
Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I don't love my job, but I don't hate it either. I work in a customer service role, so there is always a level of uncertainty which I find stressful. I can come home and have had a good day, other times a truly awful day often down to the customers I've had and staffing levels etc. I think it's partly the unpredictability that sets the anxiety going for me

I've had some time off and am extremely anxious about going back later this week. Usually once I'm back I'm okay, but I get loads of anticipatory anxiety before that moment. I usually try a long walk or listen to soothing music or something.

Hope both your days went well and you're feeling better

09-04-18, 09:59
I can only imagine what it must be like for you doing customer service not a role I think I would enjoy, I had to take a week off work when my anxiety came back again due to feeling like I couldn't go a day without crying I cried at work when it all got too much since being back I feel a lot better. You should definitely feel proud that even though you have anxiety you are determined to go back to work, hope you have a great day

11-04-18, 09:15
I had this and stupidly quit my job feeling it would be best to do a fresh start.

This had no impact whatsoever, I am now at a new job and have same issue.

What I really emphasise to myself is that weekends at home I am fine, so therefore what are the chances of something bad happening specifically at work... minimal and its all in my head.

11-04-18, 10:41
90% of my anxiety is in work, for soem reason it must just make me on edge at home i'm actually very relaxed but i think as i have some sort of anxiety if im home i know im comfortable and maybe i don't feel comfortable at work.

my anxiety started in work so maybe it's just natural it's where it continues

11-04-18, 13:41
Definitely I always feel anxious when I know I have work I think its because we spent the majority of our time at work and therefore not enough time spending on ourselves to feel better so we end up exhausting ourselves because of it and it makes you feel low, I always tell myself that if I don't work I cant have the things I want in life and that sometimes helps me

11-04-18, 14:37
I seem to suffer the same when I have an extended period of time off work, like a holiday. It does get frustrating but I seem to grit my teeth and bear with it

11-04-18, 15:06
Definitely I think sometimes its the fear of having to get back to reality