View Full Version : Scared that I'll go down the rabbit hole again

09-04-18, 12:24
Hi, I used to go furious on all kinds of minor symptoms in the past and I have visited multiple doctors.

Lately I have become obsessive with my moles. I had two removed and they turned out to be banign but they did look normal anyway, even to my eye. Now I am worrying there is melanoma in my skin. I do have a few irregular miles and one has changed ever so slightly but it's still a change.

I called the local hospital today and asked what should I do. They told me that I should not worry but I told the nurse on phone that I cannot wait because it causes a lot of worry to me. She said it seemed I had had a mole removal appointment and that no anything sinister is marked in their databases but I told her that the doctor didn't even check moles, he just removed two I went there for.

Then she said oh, then you can visit us and made me an appointment a week ahead. I am so worried now. She told me that a 20yo should not worry especially because no remarkable change has occured but "just visit the hospital then..." was what she said.

Can a nurse even evaluate moles? I am so worried they miss something when I go there. I know misdiagnoses are really rare but I was not event referred to a GP but a nurse. Should they be checked with a dermatoscope...

On the other hand, a few weeks ago I asked a nurse about mole checks, she told me that one should visit the nearest Cancer Foundation Office. They have a mole check service. Back then I was like " hah, Cancer Foundation, I don't have to visit them. My situation is not that severe." But now I have started to think I need to go there, even though it costs some money and as a student I cannot really afford private clinic costs!

I am currently on the verge of going down the rabbit hole. I am afraid I will become really really obsessed with my moles and check them all the time - similarly to what happened with my lymph nodes...

Moles are on one hand annoying because they cause a lot of worry but on the other hand they are really visible and you should see if something happens.

But what if I don't notice an obvious change? What if a molebi think has been there forever actually hasn't? Actually I'm not even sure because in my teens I didn't care about miles at all. Now that I'm 20 I became really aware of those.

09-04-18, 20:11
Talked with family, they say the nurse could be one with special knowledge on moles. I don't know if they have such nurses.