View Full Version : Constant?

15-07-07, 15:47
Is it possible for symptoms to be so constant? So far today I've had constant variating chest pain, a few other symptoms of general illness and a recently new symptom of ectopic heart beats, about 10 so far, it gives a horrible dropping flopping sensation in my chest that takes my breath away. It's not just today, it's starting to be everyday, gradually getting worse and worse. I feel certain I have a heart problem and it's driving me insane, I feel I could keel over at any moment. I get the impression that others with anxiety are mostly ok until a panic attack appears and the symptoms are there. Correct me if I'm wrong. Is it possible for it to be so constant? :weep:

geordie flower
15-07-07, 20:38
hiya, in my experience of anxiety and panic i can say that yes my symptoms can be constant, from wen i wake up til i go to sleep i have a constant feeling of being anxious, some days its milder than others but its always there, i feel anxious and on edge but havent a clue why! The best way i have found to deal with it is to just try and get on with life and dont give in to it, easier said than done i know but i love my life and nothings gonna make me feel any different and change that so i try to just deal with it and get on with it, hope this helps take care tracey :) x

16-07-07, 10:46
I know exactly how you feel. Ive had this thing about my heart for years and no matter what the dr says i just dont believe them. As soon as i come back from dr i sart to get a new symptom or sensation, thats gets me that worked up i start to feel ill and get to the point of dispair.
Anxiety is a horrible thing to have and ive been told i will have it all my life no matter what drugs i take.
Thank god for this site and i really hope your symtoms reduce a little soon?


17-07-07, 21:02
Thank you both for your replies! :)

I'm glad to hear others find the same problems too, although I wish that wasn't the case. The worse time is when you think you're not feeling that anxious, then you get a sudden attack of something or other, which makes you instantly think that this symptom cannot be anxiety after all.

I hope we all get there in the end!

23-07-07, 21:42

There is a difference between general anxiety and panic attacks, although they invariably go hand in glove. I too have constant chest pain that lasts for weeks on end and is the result of spasms in the chest muscles. I also have these indescribable feelings in the chest area - it sometimes feels as though I am in a free fall! I have, on the advice of my GP, accepted that it is anxiety that causes it, but sometimes it still sends me into a state of anxiety. It is good to know that I am not alone and neither are you

02-08-07, 08:10
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it happens..Alot..and well..I have experienced it all most of my life..sometimes out of the blue other times it happens for weeks on end and other times when not feeling that anxious I can ignore it..

Just try to grin and bear it and know its not anything serious and it will let go when you do..Here I am giving you advice on one hand and finding that I feel that way most of the time..

But I try to ignore it but on the days I can't I seem to get on here post a few questions and usually find people with the samething im going through before i get offline and find usually its quite normal with anxiety to feel these things.

One thing for sure anxiety never leaves us we just learn to control it better.I have for awhile but its back for a bit but its going to leave again I know I can feel it and know that about you too..This will pass then there will be other things to haunt you and then it all will go away for a bit and then try to return..

The best advice I can give is the more it presses you to panic press back and say im going to ignore you and think about something else..Don't let it stop you keep going and say im going to do this even if it kills you.Well guess what i have issued that threat so many times to myself yet im still here convincing you and me to do the same..Take care..Michael

Is it possible for symptoms to be so constant? So far today I've had constant variating chest pain, a few other symptoms of general illness and a recently new symptom of ectopic heart beats, about 10 so far, it gives a horrible dropping flopping sensation in my chest that takes my breath away. It's not just today, it's starting to be everyday, gradually getting worse and worse. I feel certain I have a heart problem and it's driving me insane, I feel I could keel over at any moment. I get the impression that others with anxiety are mostly ok until a panic attack appears and the symptoms are there. Correct me if I'm wrong. Is it possible for it to be so constant? :weep: