View Full Version : Love to have a chat :)

09-04-18, 22:34
Hi Everyone

Would love to have a pen pal to get to know a bit better so we can share our stories and maybe be an understanding ear.

Its hard to be open and honest with friends and family and hard for them to really understand which can leave me feeling unsupported.

Im a 30 yo mother of 2 small kids. (6 months and 2) I work full time for an international organisation. I have had anxiety since around 20 years of age and have bee on and off medication (Ciprager) since around 26. I have general anxiety but with huge elements of health fears.

How are you and whats your anxiety journey?


21-06-18, 14:22
How are you?
I have anxiety as well as other health problems for nearly 10 years now.
I'm 24.
If you want to chat just message me :)

15-07-18, 10:59
HI how are you.
I'm 37 with 3 beautiful daughter,14/12/1, and an amazing loving husband.
However despite having this I feel very alone living with anxiety and health anxiety. My friends and family also don't quite understand and like you find it hard to open up to them. I'm sure my husband thinks I can have a nice hot bath and feel good lol. If only however I get out and pretend all is well again.
Im not sure when my anxiety started, but I I think it was when my dad suddenly died, but it's got worse since Jan this year. So I'm relatively new to it and can go honestly say I hate it.
Thank you for taking the time to read and I'd always be happy to lend an ear.
Take care xx