View Full Version : Members living situation. Poll.

15-07-07, 20:17
Hello everyone.

I live alone and feel it is very unhealthy for me as I spend far too much time on my own and sometimes I think I cannot take the aloneness for one more minute. I have lived alone for about ten years but it is only over the last year that I have become increasingly unhappy with my situation.

I would like to hear about the living arrangements of other members. Please tick the appopiate box and say whether you feel your situation helps or hinders you (or doesn't make any difference) to your mental health. What would you like to change about your living situation?
Please note this is a public poll so if you are uncomfortable with people know your living circumstances then please don't vote.

15-07-07, 20:58
Very difficult to answer your question really. There have been many times when being on my own has been frightening for me - there is no-one here to talk to and calm me down. However, I am past most of that now.

Maybe I am now back to the stage where being on my own is OK as I don't have anyone else to worry about. But then everything is down to me and if I can't manage it, it doesn't get done. If I suddenly recovered 100% tomorrow it would take me months to get this place straight!

15-07-07, 21:06
I live alone and have done for around 11 years now. For most of that time I coped even through times of depression and anxiety.

However, recently I've had to admit that I do need extra help and support. I have multiple problems but most serious for me at present is anorexia. I rely heavily on friends and my doctor recently referred me to be considered for supported housing.


15-07-07, 21:41
I live with my hubby and kids.
Don't think badly of me, but I long for some time alone. I would never be without my kids but having to be a mother first sometimes takes its toll.
On saying that, it is probably my saving grace. A friend and I (we both have anx depression) discussed recently how we think we would be if we didn't have kids. I know I would have lain down and let it swamp me really badly (depression, not anx) and it is my kids I get up for every day, it is them I try to get better for and it is them I push myself to do things for.
So, I can't have it all ways.
I love my kids, but the enormity of the responsibility sometimes scares me badly.

15-07-07, 22:02
It is a hard one to answer,

I've lived in a few different situations before. At home, with friends and now alone. All have their positives and negatives.

I currently live alone and yes I do get lonely at times and need a little extra support if I'm going through a bad patch. Living with other people can have it's problems too.

I think I prefer living alone as I don't have to answer to anyone or run the risk of falling out with anyone. If I'm really desperate for some company I can invite someone round or go out. I do have to make more of an effort to find company being alone, if I were to do nothing I would be totally isolated. I guess I like the flexibility, if I want to I can hide myself away in peace without any disturbances.

Jim :hugs:

15-07-07, 23:00
I live with my Dad.

We don't get on too well but it's cheaper than running a flat and I have "some" support at least.

Gordon XX

16-07-07, 01:09
I've had a few different living situations over the years. I spent 11yrs as a single parent and I found that very hard at times. For the last 9yrs I have lived with my partner and since my son moved out a few years ago it's just the two of us and the pets. I love having the support of someone around me, I really don't think I would like to live alone.

16-07-07, 01:33
I agree with what Jimbo has said.

Being on your own is great if you chose it but a nighmare if you didn't choose it.

I also agree with Clickaway that the fact that every thing is down to you when you live alone. I would love to have someone to share the load with.


16-07-07, 02:01

16-07-07, 03:34
I live with my wife and the pets.I couldn't have coped without her when the panic first hit.
I now hate being home alone (we usually have different days off ) and am overcome by a feeling of emptiness when she's not there.
I'm OK if I'm at work or occupied though.
Phill :shades:

16-07-07, 09:01
i live at home with my son and partner

16-07-07, 17:29
Tricky one to put my vote in cos my life is split over the week.

My teenage daughter lives with me 3 days, my boyfriend lives with me 3 days and Im on my own for the other day. Sounds confusing but it seems to work for me (for the moment anyway). :wacko:

Luv Darkangel x

16-07-07, 18:39
I have my 3 girls with me and Ami's boyfriend lives with us too, I like the house being full and I miss them all during the day, although sometimes the peace is nice


Trac xxx

17-07-07, 19:17
I live with my hubby and three kids and two mad dogs!!
With me it is difficult as any sort of change, no matter how small, throws me right off. So if i am used to having a full house on one day and then the next day my hubby is out and kids at work/school, i do suffer badly at first. Takes me a good few hours for a 'change over' period so i can settle down. Sounds weird i know.x

The Fool
20-08-07, 09:45
i kinda have to live with my parents and my sister cuz im only 13

20-08-07, 10:10
I'm single, and flatshare with a married couple and their one year old son.

I have lived alone before though, and it has its pros and cons.

21-08-07, 00:06
I live with my husband, 15yr son, 21yr daughter and 18mth grand-daughter.
My daughter is pregnant again and should be moving out soon, although it will probably reduce the stress levels in our house I'm dreading her going.
I find it extremely difficult being in the house alone which has become a whole lot worse since my husband had to give up work last year through illness. I find this really weird as he worked nights for 12 years.

30-05-08, 13:38
I live with my fiance and son,this helps me,cos i'd be lost without them and my partner is a brillliant support,the only downside i feel guilty when i cant do stuff with them.

Pink Panic
30-05-08, 16:44

I live with my partner and 11 year old daughter. My eldest daughter lives with us for a few days every month ..... normally when she's ran out of clean clothes and she has to come home from Uni to get them washed! LOL
I love having my family around but unfortunately my partner works on an Oilrig so he's away for 2 weeks of the month which isn't easy.


31-05-08, 19:21

Im fortunate to be living with a wonderful hubby how has supported me 100% but i feel guilty for that as i can see what ive put him through and how he has to cope.

I wanted be here without him though but wish things were different.
Sometimes \I need my own space but im not allowed it because of what i might do so it can be hard. even though we live together i find i need space to be with myself .

You will think im strange.

take care to all
love smudgie:hugs:

05-06-08, 15:32
A few years ago I lived alone for six months and my anx was really bad and I just went downhill.

Although at the time I didn't like social situations, when I moved in with my flatmate it did give me some comfort knowing I had someone else around.

I live with my partner now and I'm fine I guess. I am now pretty much as I was in that I enjoy my own company so I find things to do if I am home alone :)

Jo xxxxx

08-06-08, 14:54
I live with my husband, son, and mother-in-law. Hubby and son are very supportive, mother-in-law is a major source of my panic. I want her out of my house but she has nowhere to go. I don't want to sound like the evil daughter-in-law, but she is a slob of the first order. I cannot stand her leaving my kitchen a mess, she does not help clean any common areas, and her room is a biohazard. This has been going on for five years and she will never change. My hubby's siblings have no interest in helping us out. I am going to force her on one of them for the summer because I need a break before I break down again.

11-08-08, 23:42
I guess whatever a person's situation, there are pros and cons. I think you can be alone but not necessarily lonely and you can be in a romm fullof people and feel totally alone sort of thing. Sorry this ain't much help but I am not having a good day and it isn't to do with my living situation, more how I am feeling in myself. Having said that, the last thing I want right now is people around me. I need to think stuff through.

Diane O'Brien
03-12-08, 11:40
Gosh I,ve just posted a thread about loneliness. I def think its the time of year. I live with my husband (my husband works away frequently) and children. I think loneliness is how u view yourself. You can live alone and not be lonely if u have a happy social balance in ur life. I understand the saying.


I truly believe that,people who live in big families can experience loneliness. Its all about YOU AND HOW U VIEW YOURSELF.

Hugs 4 everyone just 2 take the loneliness away :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-12-08, 20:38
My option wasn't there hehe, I live with my mum and my boyfriend, I still get lonely times though especially as I don't have lots of friends xx

04-01-09, 19:08
I live with my hubby and 2 kids, but sometimes I long for just a few days or a weekend away to myself, i do love them all dearly though, I feel I burden them a lot with my HA and depression and sometimes feel them saying " here we go again".
But I agree with diane sometimes u can have everyone around you and still feel incredibly lonely within yourself .


04-01-09, 19:52
Im married with 5 kids, 2 dogs, 2 fish and a nice big mortgage lol

22-01-09, 23:18
I live with my husband and dogs

24-01-09, 00:29
I live alone with my 2 cats and a friend who visits now and again.