View Full Version : Blood in phlegm, so worried :(

10-04-18, 02:14
Hello everyone,

Let me start off by saying I’ve had this chronic cough since November of last year. I’m only 24 and have never smoked in my life. Doctors don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve gotten a chest X-ray done which came out totally normal, and have even taken anti biotics for a chest infection which I didn’t have.

The cough is quite persistent especially at night. I even get some wheezing in my chest (mostly at night but occasionally happens during the day) and the doctor has given me a blue puffer for this. I constantly feel like there’s phlegm in my throat and I always have to clear it. I have bad post nasal drip which I’m sure is the reason for it.

I’ve been to an allergist, found out I’m allergic to hay fever, cat fur, and dust mites. My allergist suggest I get tested for asthma so did one test and I’m currently waiting to do the other one next month.

The cough is definitely worse when I lie down but doing a nasal rinse will sometimes help it. I have that “chesty cough” sensation in my chest but the cough is pretty dry and normal. I honestly think it’s post nasal drip but I’m not sure!

Anyways, today I noticed that my throat had quite a bit of phlegm. So I coughed it out and noticed a streak of blood with my clear phlegm. It happened two more times so far where I’ve noticed a light streak of blood. Now I’m extremely anxious and worried about cancer or something :doh:
My allergies have been pretty bad this week though, I have watery eyes and and itchy nose with sneezing.

What do you guys think about my current situation? Should the phlegm with blood be something to worry about? Should I tell my doctor to maybe take a look at my sinuses? I’m so fed up with this cough!

10-04-18, 02:46
Hi Jenn,

Blood in phlegm can be quite common and it tends to be from minor blood vessels. It can be because of irritation or coughing too hard, etc.

Unless you are coughing up lots of blood then my feeling is, and on top of your other symptoms, it's more likely part of whatever is irritating your airways at the moment. Mention it to your GP though so they know about any new symptoms.

Diagnosis of asthma is quite easy so they should have it sorted for you soon. Some people have trouble with some triggers that others don't so it's not always the same for us all.

10-04-18, 03:46
Hello Terry,

Thank you for your response!
I always think “omg! Coughing up blood HAS to be something sinister” cause of what’s scene in movies and shows. It definitely set off my HA.

I hope it’s just irritation. Although, i haven’t been coughing much lately. Could it possibly be from the post nasal drip in my nose? After blowing my nose a couple times not too long ago I saw some blood (sorry for the TMI).

I see my doctor next week so see the results from the first part of my asthma test. (The second part is the methacholine drug one and I’m nervous about side effects). I’ll make sure to mention the blood to my doctor.

10-04-18, 04:30
I understand why seeing blood in your phlegm would cause alarm for you! I would bet that you're seeing blood from the chronic coughing and irritation to your throat. I would say to wait a week or so, and see if it resolves on its own. If it were something like cancer, I don't think that the bleeding would resolve itself; it would be become worse over time.

10-04-18, 05:01
When you have that test try to remember you are having a standard test with a doctor present. They can apply corrective medication if needed. And they do these types of tests a lot so are well versed in them.

With anxiety it can be hard as you feel the panic rising. Apply distraction techniques if needed. Things like focusing on objects intently. It can help you calm yourself and clear your mind. Object handling is another, focus on how it feels as you rub different surfaces.

When my asthma was diagnosed it was still fairly new. They had me running around the surgery building to get out of breath. Being about 9 meant I could do loads of that! One lap would mean a sit down later in life :biggrin:

If there are any problems, which is highly unlikely, they have inhalers on hand and likely a nebuliser (which are fantastic devices).

Blood from blowing your nose is likely minor blood vessels again. Streaks usually are just a bit too much force, frequency or irritation. With your post nasal drip is very likely to happen if you are throat & nose clearing a lot. Carnation had a thread about this on the Symptoms board a while back. It can be throat blood vessels but also the nose which then goes down the throat so you think it's being coughed up.

Concerning blood is more nasty coloured, gushing, won't stop, etc. I had a mate years ago vomiting blood as he had an ulcer. It's very different to streaks.

I don't know about this test, I've never had it. I'm not sure we do it. With a spirometry we have a few breathing tests and the 2nd one you retake after a dose of an inhaler to open your airways. Your test seems to do the opposite. I expect the result is not significant enough to cause problems because some people's asthma is worse than others and they don't take chances with breathing.

21-01-19, 01:23
I have a nasty cold at the moment, sinus issues, feeling like there is concrete in my nose, the cough from hell, sore throat, I coughed up some phlegm had a tiny spot of blood I am sure it is due to coughing too hard and throat irritation. I know this is an old thread but just chiming in case op reads it.

21-01-19, 01:36
I have very similar symptoms and was diagnoses with asthma! Hope you get your answer soon!!

bin tenn
21-01-19, 02:45
I have very similar symptoms and was diagnoses with asthma! Hope you get your answer soon!!

The occasional wheezing, feeling like you need to clear your throat all the time, cough that often produces clear phlegm, etc? How exactly did the diagnosis come about? I also have all of these symptoms, and I've had them for several years now. Thought about asking my doc, but I don't know nearly enough about asthma and don't want to look like an idiot for asking about it. 😂