View Full Version : Nuclear war anxiety. Please read.

10-04-18, 23:36
Hello all.

I hope you are all doing well. I have a new anxiety. I have been doing well for so long.

I turned the news on today and I saw "USA and Russia...Trump and Putin" are at each others necks again, however this time it seems serious.

USA will be joining in fighting in Syria, and USA are on one side...Russia are on the other. Everyone knows this will escalate, but how much?

Does anyone here know how out of hand this will get?

10-04-18, 23:47
Well no-one knows what will happen, but the likelihood of a war is minuscule. There are so many things put into place now to stop wars happening. Trump and Putin are asses, but at their heart they care about saving face & making money. Threaten either of these and they will find a way to back down. Look how North Korea have backed down when the UN made things harder for them.

It’s scary, but it’s also scaremongering. Try watching a news channel that isn’t too sensationalist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-04-18, 00:03
There is much sense in what Scass has said panicBill. Both Trump and Putin know what the result of a full blown war (presumably nuclear) would be. Not for nothing is it called 'mutually assured destruction'. Any 'winner' would inherit a planet laid waste by radioactive fallout, neither side would risk that apocalyptic outcome.

11-04-18, 02:07
I hope you guys are right \:

11-04-18, 09:24
OP, without sounding condescending, I see posts like this all the time, more so when something 'bad' is happening. I mean this not to have a go at you posting as I fully understand your anxiety (and most the Worlds) surrounding the subject is fully really and awful. I mean this to say that, each week/month/year, WW3 is thrown around the media/socialmedia and people fear the worse... we are still here.

An example been I personally felt the closest we came to WW3 was invasion of Crimea. We are still here. I hope you find some comfort, or at least another view point from:


As above, I completely agree with reading different media outlets but be cautioned that some blow things well out of proportion and misquote - the worse for doing this and I recommend you avoid at all costs is Daily Express (UK Based). An example would be, if you put in Google "WW3", literally the first full page of results, are all the express. I personally read the Express for a 'laugh' and then make my way to more realistic media before finally ending up on RT.com. Reason I end up there is because a good 40% of what you read, beyond the propaganda (same as UK media) is actually good argument.

For example, RT made me think... The Salbury poisoning... the OPCW was supposed to publish their findings into their investigation this week... yet nothing has been mentioned about this and we are distracted with an attack in Syria.

Personally, I am a big believer in False Flags and I very much disbelieve the majority of what I am told, more so by the media. Lets not forget, the same government thats spouting all this BS is the same government who told us Iraq had WMDs.

But I digress.

If you fear WW3, my suggestion would be to take a step back and look at it pragmatically. As in the link I posted above, WW3 would be very hard for any country to fight or maintain due to the worlds economies been intertwined. However, if you want to get military statistical, who would be the key players:

Russia, Iran, Syria (possibly N.Korea and China)
US, UK (UK will always stand shoulder to shoulder with our US cousins), France, Germany, well lets just say NATO and not lets forget Turkey who have a pretty impressive force in itself.

Russia has the biggest landmass but this is where its might ends. When Turkey shot down the Russian jet, WW3 was "going to start then" (we are still here) but anyway, Turkey by itself would have been a struggle for Russia let alone without US behind them. Russia suffered heavy losses in both Afghanistan and Ukraine, both of whom used militia. Imagine them pitted against, US with the most powerful Navy and Airforce, Britain with the best trained land force and RAF, France who ranks above UK military numbers wise etc... Iran couldn't do much as Israel alone would deal with them and China I doubt would get involved given they would then have Japan on one flank, NATO on the other.

Only tangible option is the one people fear, Nuclear War. Putin is alot of things but he is not stupid. He has said many times that no one would win a hot war. People are also failing to factor in the Russian populace, do you think they would allow Russia to go to war for Syria? The anti-west hype can only go so far but if US warn Russia they are going to strike and to move their troops out, Russia then fails to do this and troops get killed... who will be to blame? Imagine if the tables were turned. Russia said we are going to strike Turkey over the shootdown of our jet on this day at this time, remove troops from the target area - who would be to blame.

Finally as this is bit of an essay, not withstanding the military comparison, look at the map. NATO has encompassed Russia. Also, the only Russian aircraft carrier, had to be towed back to base as its 30 odd years old and broke down!

---------- Post added at 09:24 ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 ----------

Just to add to the above, I just read the below via RT.COM and then via our media.

RT quotes as saying :

He warned the US and its allies against launching a military action in Syria, bypassing the UN.

“If you made a decision to carry out an illegal military endeavor, we hope, hope that you will come to your senses. You will be responsible for it yourselves,” Nebenzia said.

I won't quote our media as you have probably already seen it but it basically says the above is a Russian threat.

No it isn't, its the Russians saying if you strike you will bear the responsibility of doing so alone IE without UN approval.

You need to be very granular and specific when you look at the language and what actually gets said.

IF Russia every say "You do this, we will do this" take that as fact and threat, anything else is open to interpretation and can easily be backed out of, which is exactly why the wording is used.

11-04-18, 13:21
With nobody left to stop him, I expect Dolard will conduct an illegal military operation anyway, which would be disastrous. At this point however, I don't think the war would turn nuclear, especially given that Dolard is trying to patch up US-Russian relations. Now if they were doing a strike on Korea, I'd be real worried!

11-04-18, 15:16
The Wars of the future will be proxy Wars. I will make a prediction here and see if I am right in the coming days...

VERY worse case scenario:

US launches missiles from US Destroyer targeting Syrian Airbase silos/aircraft/support structures. This is supported by direct fire from RAF Typhoons and the French who both launch long ranged missiles, 150 miles out at same targets while Israel interdicts from their flank. Russia intercepts a large portion of these missiles but does not directly return fire as this is not possible. In order to return fire, they would need to either launch cruise missiles or directly attack via A/C which would be no match for the RAF stationed in Cyprus or the US Destroyers air defence.

IF Russian troops are injured or killed, things will heat up a little with Russia been absolutely furious. However, Russia was also absolutely furious when Turkey downed their jet. Russia is will blow some steam and probably fly bombers (have they have done for years) close to UK airspace and buzz a few ships. Russia will eventually however concede as they did in Turkey that this / these losses were indirectly their own fault. IE Turkey they violated airspace and this time they were warned there would be a stike and placed themselves in the firing line.

If you want to be a fantasist and irrational, you could say Russia will go a step further and actually strike back. OK where and how? Attacking a US base, not on UK or US soil would mean violating the airspace of a third party nation, which would then add to the case against them and potentially make another enemy.

Now what's more likely to happen:

Any strike will happen this weekend once the Aircraft battlegroup is in place thats currently sailing to the region to support the single US Destroyer. This strike will as above have missiles intercepted and the Russians will blow some steam saying any further attacks will be met with force / any aircraft in Syrian airspace will be targetted. They will point out the very obvious, which I personally agree with... no such evidence has been supplied. Yes we have all seen the videos which are truly awful but what should and needs to happen is the OCPW should conduct their investigation which they are doing in the next day or so, then and only then a strike should be made against Syria on their conclusion that CW were used and by Syria.

The US, UK and France have absolutely no right whatsoever to strike anyone absent fact and proof and for this part I agree with Russia. It doesnt mean I believe their case, but NATO throwing weight around absent fact makes us bullies not Police.

11-04-18, 15:25
Yeah guess what. I'm afraid again. Your posts do help though Nathan. Thank you.

11-04-18, 15:32
Yeah guess what. I'm afraid again. Your posts do help though Nathan. Thank you.

I was waiting for you to pop up Confusion :hugs: try not to worry..

Here check this out from Russia :

Moscow has warned against doing anything that could “further destabilize” Syria as the situation heats up in the region. The call comes as Western powers consider a military response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria.


With respect, completely or largely, ignore our media. Fear sells. You could literally google WW3 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 etc and each year find multitude of articles claiming the end is nigh. We are still here :)

Just going back to the above article "further destabilize" SYRIA. How this can be construed as a threat to the West is beyond me but our Media make it exactly that.

This is what I meant previously when we spoke, if you 'need' to read about whats going on, consider reading their media as well for a more level headed rational idea.

11-04-18, 16:02
I feel the same! I'm always asking my OH if he thinks it will happen and all i get is "I hope not!" - doesn't really settle my fears that we're all going to get nuked in the next 2 weeks :wall:

11-04-18, 19:26
With respect Wendy, what reassurance could your other half give you? What I voice on here is opinion, my opinion. What is in the news is opinion. Truth is, no one knows what will happen we are all forming an opinion based on factors.

That being said, will worrying about it change the cause of what may or may not happen? I know thats far easier than said with anxiety but my point is, the world has come close to WW3 many times and cooler heads always prevail.

Putin, for all he is vilified, is VERY cool headed. When Turkey shot their jet down, Russia as a whole went completely ballistic. Putin, waited a few days, gathered the facts then issued a response which calmed the full situation down.

---------- Post added at 19:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Update for those concerned :

Sky News has just reported that they have people in the Kremlin who are "High up" and state Russia is in direct contact with the US to avoid conflict. Neither the US nor Russia want a conflict and both are working in the background to avoid this. See, no one wants this to escalate but something has to happen now as otherwise US will lose face. So expect a small strike, symbolic at best so the US can save face. Assad has already reported he has moved troops off airfields etc.. Things always calm down, ignore the media hype everything will be fine :)

11-04-18, 19:30
Nathan - just googled WW3 and you're dead right. Up came the Express and Sun, VERY scary sensationalist articles implying we're all doomed.

If we look at some history, the Cuban missile crisis must surely rate as more dangerous than Syria. The USSR then was going to site nukes right on America's doorstep. However, rationality still doesn't stop me worrying :lac:

11-04-18, 20:09
Nathan - just googled WW3 and you're dead right. Up came the Express and Sun, VERY scary sensationalist articles implying we're all doomed.

If we look at some history, the Cuban missile crisis must surely rate as more dangerous than Syria. The USSR then was going to site nukes right on America's doorstep. However, rationality still doesn't stop me worrying :lac:

Don't quote me on this but am pretty sure Sun and Express are same company same as Daily Star.

Cuban missile crisis posed a direct threat to US which was in response to direct threat to Russia (Missiles in Turkey).

Syria is neither.

Its been compared as people are scared but logically and fact-wise its entirely different and should not be referenced in comparison.

Thing I always remember is the Korean War saw US and China fighting directly with each other. As I keep saying - We are still here.

12-04-18, 07:21
I was feeling exactly the same as the OP about the situation in Syria. Last night I read so much about it on news websites and social media that it made me feel ill with worry to the point I felt unable to function normally.
I look around me and see other people that, despite being worried, just get on with their daily lives and I wonder why I can’t do the same. Then I remember that my anxiety (usually, but not exclusively, about health issues) problem is what makes me different than them.
When I get to this point, I always turn to NMP as I usually manage to find comfort and reassurance in some form from people on here. Reading this thread has really helped to reduce my anxiety levels as people are expressing a more rational viewpoint than is reported by the media etc.
So I wanted to say thank you. The worry hasn’t gone, but at least I feel more able to cope now.

12-04-18, 09:46
PWO_Nathan, you make some fantastic points. Not much more needs to be said! I don't believe anything is going to happen either so I try to rationalise family etc when I can.

Thank you, I dont mean to sound like I know everything I simply wish to voice a different point of view other than the one the media is spouting :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 09:46 ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 ----------

I was feeling exactly the same as the OP about the situation in Syria. Last night I read so much about it on news websites and social media that it made me feel ill with worry to the point I felt unable to function normally.
I look around me and see other people that, despite being worried, just get on with their daily lives and I wonder why I can’t do the same. Then I remember that my anxiety (usually, but not exclusively, about health issues) problem is what makes me different than them.
When I get to this point, I always turn to NMP as I usually manage to find comfort and reassurance in some form from people on here. Reading this thread has really helped to reduce my anxiety levels as people are expressing a more rational viewpoint than is reported by the media etc.
So I wanted to say thank you. The worry hasn’t gone, but at least I feel more able to cope now.

Try not to worry, I have followed the media really closely this last week or so to the point where it has become obsessive. I am worried but not for the reasons the media or most other people are worried.

I am worried as this potentially is another unwinnable conflict like Afghan. No ground is won, no objectives achieved only more lives lost and creation of another militant which aspires to be more dreadful than the last. Even in my wildest scenarios, at no point does this escalate to WW3. Reason been, Syria is a proxy War and even at its worse prospect, poses no direct threat to either the US or Russia so unlike the Cuban Missile Crisis, there is no reason to escalate things to protect either state.

12-04-18, 13:25
Thank you Nathan. I know this is just your opinion but it helped me see things from a different perspective. When you're feeling low and all you can see are dramatic, scare-mongering news reports, it's very difficult not to let that overwhelm you.

But even in all the fear and worry about myself, I still recognise that the people of Syria have no escape from the terrible conflict there so I can totally agree with the point you made in your last paragraph. That's the saddest thing of all.

Thanks again and take care. :yesyes:

13-04-18, 02:47
Even BBC are talking about WW3 now.

13-04-18, 05:14
pretty sure Obama sent a few bombs syria's way and Putin did nothing. What makes this time any different?

13-04-18, 09:16
Even BBC are talking about WW3 now.

Technically, it is a WW as numerous state actors are involved.

Just remember Korean War as I have said many times - China and USA directly fighting...

If you are going to read or listen to some obscure passage on the BBC or other outlet then this will not help you.

If you listened to various ones, other than BBC which is the Governments mouthpiece anyway, you would know the following key facts:

1: The safeguard telephone line the US and Russia use to avoid accidental confrontation is been very actively used as reported by both Sky News and RT.
2: The Russian FM spoke to Sky news and at no point issued any threat, simply said the US, UK and France are acting in contravention of the UN - which they are correct. We have no right whatsoever to bomb anyone absent proof.
3: Russia and US are speaking via back channels on how they can manage this without escalation as NEITHER side wants war but NEITHER side can lose Face. DT has committed the US to some form of action via tweets so some form of action has to happen, albeit token action. Russia HAS to be publically seen as opposing US etc as otherwise, wtf is the point in been an ally of Russia and what message does this send?
4: This is nothing like the Cuban Missile Crisis or Cold War as neither the US nor Russia is directly threatened. This is about ideology and morality, can you honestly see either country risking what would certainly be the end of the world for this, can you see either populace of supporting action to this end? IF WW3 was going to happen, it would have happened when Ukraine was invaded and COULD possibly happen if Baltic States were invaded.

I dont mean to be blunt Confused but you seem to be reading lines that suggest worse case scenario and disregarding the rest.

Truth is, no one knows what will happen and any comfort you seek seems to be wanting definitive guaranteed sense which you will not find anywhere. Everything given from MPs, Media, here or anywhere else is opinions. Unfortunately for people who have anxiety about this, the medias opinions are directed towards promoting fear as this sells and gets the traffic needed to their site or channel.

Ask yourself, if they said, look everythings fine don't worry and because we know everythings fine we are going to move onto other irrelevant 'small' news, would this drive traffic or sales? Nope. Hence the WW3 imminent BS they are spouting.

Just relax, the World has come close to War many times previous and probably will many times in the future. Getting all worked up about it serves no purpose, has no impact on the direction of anything and simply impedes your quality of life.

13-04-18, 10:16
If anything, I'm more worried about the trade war with China turning into a military confrontation.

13-04-18, 10:24
Trumps a business man not a politician.

He is trying to stunt Chinese growth but unfortunately, China can do way more damage in these stakes as holds 1.3 trillion worth of US debt.

No need for military conflict, China can Nuke the US financially.

13-04-18, 15:18
I've done well with my anxiety for months now but all this has me terrified! I always avoid tabloids because every other day there is some impending doom usually based loosely on something stupid but given a sensationalist headline! But I am worried by the way the more reliable news sources are talking....I think a large part of the fear is triggered by Trump being such a hot headed idiot, I mean he has all the class & decorum of a school bully even resorting to social media to brag & threaten...not really what you'd expect from the president of the US...

13-04-18, 18:42
Hes a business man not a politician which worked wonders with N.Korea but he needs to adjust it with the Russians. Old dog new tricks and that.

It is already calming down, Trump has back peddled massively and even his Sec of Defence has slammed the breaks on saying they need to proof etc

13-04-18, 19:55
The way I see it, if the US and Russia were really serious about conflict, wouldn't it have already happened by now? Why would Trump be telegraphing his intentions via twitter? I don't remember the allies broadcasting to the Axis powers on June 5th 1944, 'Hey, we're going to invade tomorrow'.

14-04-18, 10:40
My fears on this had really settled until I awoke this morning to see that we had in fact bombed Syria.

This can't end well surely.

14-04-18, 11:02
My fears on this had really settled until I awoke this morning to see that we had in fact bombed Syria.

This can't end well surely.

Remember Nathan's excellent points. And also consider the Russian response of "consequences" but nothing said that commits them. That shows they are cool headed about this. .

There is a question mark over how Russia now save face but retaliatory action could be as little as winning a war of words in convincing us all to stop further action.

Bombing has been against chemical weapons facilities, not Russian facilities or personnel. Russia are the power, not Assad. Assad may be angry yet Putin might tell him he brought it on himself so suck it up.

And follow previous advice about not sitting watching the news, much of which is time filling speculation these days, as it's just another Googling type trap like the HAers struggle with. Get on with your day, get out in the warm air.

14-04-18, 13:23
My fears on this had really settled until I awoke this morning to see that we had in fact bombed Syria.

This can't end well surely.

As above, I have been a little obsessive with the news recently so if I can assure you a little more in this...

Russia's consequences is suspending Nuclear and Rocket (for space travel not weapons) research with the US and ceasing selling Titanium.

The word "consequences" covers a whole manner of possibilities and the media promote the worse feared - as it sells. Russia uses the word consequences as it ties them to nothing and could mean anything.

What I would take if anything from this strike (which I said days ago had to happen to save face - see above) is that NO Russians were hit and Putin, who is vilified and made out to be a lunatic has reacted how..?? Very calmly and asking for a UN meeting.

Please relax a little Confused, IF Russia ever invades the Baltic states or attacks a NATO member, then worry. Until then, this is just another episode of US/UK Policing the planet.

Worse thing to come from this is again what I put above - either an increase in terrorist attacks (which will happen sooner rather than later to send the message its in response to Syria) or creation of yet another militant factor who are "freedom fighters".

Truth is, the WHOLE of the Middle East is in some form of conflict or other and will be for decades to come.

14-04-18, 13:26
As much as I appreciate the reassurance, that wasn't me. For once��

14-04-18, 13:36
Hahaha sorry Confusion, I quickly glanced and then forgot in my little tangent - well done for it not been you though, your making progress :P

14-04-18, 15:30
This military action by ourselves, US and France gets me thinking why is it that we cherry-pick which atrocity we are going to punish? Why is it we seem quite content to let massacres go ahead in DR Congo and Burma (Myanmar)? And why are chemical weapons unacceptable while blowing someone to bits is fine and dandy? Of course, we're the good guys while Putin is Satan personified. And we think we're crazy? :wacko:

14-04-18, 16:13
Hello all. I have been watching the news on and off the last few days since making this post. Here is where I see things now.

USA, France and the U.K. kept their promise. They went over and blew things up, but the thing I was worried about is the Russians. What if Russian lives are killed, what if American lives are killed...Thankfully none of this happened, and Russia even confirmed that no one went in their airspace or territory. This is the Russians way of saying "We do not need to fire back"

Russia has said that there will be "consequences"...Now even I know this could be anything like sanctions or joint operations paused. I think bombing America is not even a thought.

Finally, I think the reason Russia are not really doing anything is because they know the vast majority are against the bombing. Russia know that USA, U.K. AND France are on the unpopular side of the world. Russia did not really need to do anything.

Russia's job now is to make sure no chemical weapons will be used again.

14-04-18, 17:47
Wasn't Assad moving troops out of the target zones in the last few days? It all seems very managed to me. The only ones going nuts about it are the media and that's just how they make their money...

That sounds more rational and less anxious, Bill. If you are feeling less anxious about this, I'm glad.

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

This military action by ourselves, US and France gets me thinking why is it that we cherry-pick which atrocity we are going to punish? Why is it we seem quite content to let massacres go ahead in DR Congo and Burma (Myanmar)? And why are chemical weapons unacceptable while blowing someone to bits is fine and dandy? Of course, we're the good guys while Putin is Satan personified. And we think we're crazy? :wacko:

Yes, it is all strange. You can't drop gas but you blow bits off them. Basically it comes down to bits of paper from years ago that say something's are just too naughty. But there is also the issue of biological warfare which can spread further.

Oil. No one cares about African nations killing their people, they never have, or elsewhere It's just resources, whether in that country or elsewhere in the Middle East that a shift in power bases could affect. Israel comes into play too.

Terrorism is another but it's minor compared to the old black gold.

The UN get left to deal with the rest. It's one glaring reason why our governments are massive hypocrites.

14-04-18, 18:20
What you're not factoring in is that other atrocities have no Russian interest.

By this I mean, Russia's influence has expanded massively due to Syria which is largely why the West challenge it. IF Russia took an interest in Africa (If Africa had the same strategic value like Syria), you would see an entirely different stance from the West.

Personally, I am proud to be British. I am not proud of this action, which absent proof and done before parliament and the public was given chance to contest it. TM has been sly, she needs removing from Office imo.

14-04-18, 18:58
What you're not factoring in is that other atrocities have no Russian interest.

By this I mean, Russia's influence has expanded massively due to Syria which is largely why the West challenge it. IF Russia took an interest in Africa (If Africa had the same strategic value like Syria), you would see an entirely different stance from the West.

Personally, I am proud to be British. I am not proud of this action, which absent proof and done before parliament and the public was given chance to contest it. TM has been sly, she needs removing from Office imo.

I agree. If she doesn't quiet, she will NOT win the next election.

The only thing that is on my mind now is

-What if there is another chemical attack.

-The Russians had their resolution declined.

14-04-18, 19:41
Wasn't Assad moving troops out of the target zones in the last few days? It all seems very managed to me. The only ones going nuts about it are the media and that's just how they make their money...

That sounds more rational and less anxious, Bill. If you are feeling less anxious about this, I'm glad.

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

Yes, it is all strange. You can't drop gas but you blow bits off them. Basically it comes down to bits of paper from years ago that say something's are just too naughty. But there is also the issue of biological warfare which can spread further.

Oil. No one cares about African nations killing their people, they never have, or elsewhere It's just resources, whether in that country or elsewhere in the Middle East that a shift in power bases could affect. Israel comes into play too.

Terrorism is another but it's minor compared to the old black gold.

The UN get left to deal with the rest. It's one glaring reason why our governments are massive hypocrites.My thoughts exactly Terry. I can remember the first gulf war (1990) when Iraq invaded Kuwait. A senior politician, I can't remember who, said if Kuwait grew carrots, rather than be rich in oil, the west wouldn't have cared less. I'm not keen on duplicitous people like these representing me.

15-04-18, 11:00
Without getting too 'nuts' about conspiracy theorists or off the subject (which this is), I recommend you watch "Unacknowledged" on Netflix. A real eye opening (if its true) - basically says we have the technology to be completely free of fossil fuels, tech even exists that can generate electricity from thin air by circulating water round a coil type thing.. non of the techs released though as it would cause an instant crash in the economy due to it been completely free source of energy etc... def worth a watch tho.

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

Also has a section on false flags, when they have been used and why they get used...

15-04-18, 11:19
Without getting too 'nuts' about conspiracy theorists or off the subject (which this is), I recommend you watch "Unacknowledged" on Netflix. A real eye opening (if its true) - basically says we have the technology to be completely free of fossil fuels, tech even exists that can generate electricity from thin air by circulating water round a coil type thing.. non of the techs released though as it would cause an instant crash in the economy due to it been completely free source of energy etc... def worth a watch tho.

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

Also has a section on false flags, when they have been used and why they get used...

Thanks for the recommendation.

The current world situation can't be understood or made sense of without studying false-flag terrorism. Every terrorist attack in the West is either a false flag or a outright hoax. The current fake " war on terror" will not end until the people who orchestrated 9/11 are exposed and put on trial.

The "chemical attack" in Syria is a total fabrication and could have caused a world war so people need to wake up to false flags. The BBC has staged a chemical attack in Syria before so it can't be trusted to even report the weather.


15-04-18, 12:35
See this is exactly my point


"WW3" & "Major retaliation"

Read the article and the "Major retaliation" is...

" measures such as banning imports of US agricultural, alcoholic, and tobacco products as well as medical drugs."

This illustrates both the media and my points far more eloquently.

I don't know who but someone once said "If you don't watch the news, you are uninformed. if you do watch the news, you are misinformed".

15-04-18, 13:05
Mark Twain.

---------- Post added at 13:05 ---------- Previous post was at 13:00 ----------

My thoughts exactly Terry. I can remember the first gulf war (1990) when Iraq invaded Kuwait. A senior politician, I can't remember who, said if Kuwait grew carrots, rather than be rich in oil, the west wouldn't have cared less. I'm not keen on duplicitous people like these representing me.

Same here, fishman. I get that not taking action under your own remit may look weak to some international leaders but given our past Parliament should debate it.

Remember all the atrocities reporting in Africa? Where were all these powers then? And like you said we have current examples of Myanmar & Congo. And who cares about the starving in Venezuela being beaten by their police?

If only oil wasn't in the ME. The day can't come soon enough that our governments have no reason to keep the Saudi's onside.

15-04-18, 22:04
I'm glad to see this thread on here and firstly I have to say thanks not only to the OP but also to the folks who've posted views on here. This has helped me get through today.

To cut a very long story short, as a kid growing up in the 70s and 80s I went through a lot of anxiety about the possibility of war and many years later I thought I was over it. That was until this weekend... last night I actually totally began to unravel mentally and this morning I was a wreck!

Yes I know Logically it makes no sense, but my anxious brain was playing all sorts of scenarios, and what makes it worse is I'm a parent so you have to get up and get on with your life act like its all normal when inside you're screaming in sheer terror and want to curl up in a ball. I've had anxiety on and off over the years and depression but last night was like being pulled back to when I was just about 9 years old and was crippled with anxiety wondering if I might hear the 4 minute warning at any moment. For a kid of that age, its not good and I now realise I'm not past this and probably never will be.

However knowing there are others out there like me is a massive help. The sensationalism the media spreads does NOTHING to help anyone least of all people like us!

16-04-18, 07:14
I’m the same as you edgeofpanic. As soon as I started to hear things in the news at a very young age (also in the 70s) I have let it affect me more than I have noticed in other people.
I’ve been following this thread and it has really helped me hearing the different points of view. I’ve also followed some of the advice about not exposing myself to it all the time. The trouble is that in my efforts to seek out some reassurance I have bombarded myself by checking various websites, forums etc. I’ve now given myself permission to switch off the news. I can’t tell you how much better I feel.
So I also want to express my thanks and appreciation to the people who have posted on here. You did a great job!:yesyes:

16-04-18, 08:47
For my part, you're most welcome.

I don't go back to work until 1st of May so I will always be here if needed - drop me a line if it helps and I will reply when I can.

I suffered massively with WW fears previous, that's the main reason I try my hardest to help others with it.

16-04-18, 09:03
Thank you Nathan. You have helped me immensely in rationalising this stuff.

16-04-18, 09:38
I suffered massively with WW fears previous, that's the main reason I try my hardest to help others with it.

Yup, reading back over this thread, your posts are probably the most level headed and sanest of anything I've seen on the internet over the weekend.

There should be some level of responsibility for the media, they can literally publish anything they see fit without only a retrospective chance of getting a slap on the wrist.

What if someone who was predisposed with suicidal thoughts read something in the Express this weekend and decided to take their own life? It actually makes me rather annoyed thinking about it!

16-04-18, 10:12
You're welcome panic :hugs:

Edgeofpanic, come to think of it, you're absolutely right I am really surprised (and massively thankful) no one who suffers with anxiety has taken their own life. Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me.

Its all over facebook so even if you avoid the news you will run into something somewhere which is why personally I think its best to hit it head on.

TM is in parliament today, I sincerely hope she gets a right royal grilling over railroading us into this absent proof or approval. Seems no ones asked the question... What if OPCW who attended Syria Saturday, found no evidence...?

That would make our strikes illegal, embarrass us massively and finally annihilate the last TINY bit of credibility our Government has.

16-04-18, 10:56
TM is trying to convince everyone that she has 'balls!'
All she has done is 'ballsed up' her career!

16-04-18, 11:59
I for one, just want to thank all of you that have provided rational responses on this. You have calmed my fears more than you probably realise. :bighug1:

I know it's all sensationalised to sell but it's just those horrid nagging anxious thoughts that always win.

I actually stopped reading things like the Daily Fail & watching the news for a long time as it was feeding my anxiety. Although I still dont really watch the news, I have slipped back into checking the news online which I must get back out of!

16-04-18, 12:49
Taking a break is a good idea. It can help you leave the current spiral. But long term you also want to be able to read what you want and switch on your telly without worrying about seeing the news.

I went through it myself and I started reading the front pages of papers when out walking. Not searching out the scary stuff but various articles.

I think it helped put me back in control of what I was reading rather than my anxiety steering me towards the scary articles or trying to make me push them away. And working on reducing overall levels of anxiety, acceptance, learning to change my negative thinking, etc.

So I decided I wanted to read which celebrity had dumped their partner. Wanting is powerful in disorders where we fear we are losing control. And stories are mixed in papers as opposed to online where you tend to get prompted to read similiar stories hence negative means more negative pushed at you.

It's not something that has to be done now or approached totally head on, it's just part of working on recovery so that it doesn't dictate what you can & can't do.

It's good to hear from those of you who are feeling less anxious.

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

TM is trying to convince everyone that she has 'balls!'
All she has done is 'ballsed up' her career!

I agree. She's been labelled as weak & wobbly and now she can have a bit of a Maggie moment.

That and Trump. We want a good trade deal and we need to keep an eye on France causing divisions between us.

16-04-18, 16:32
Just to add to the thanks of others who've been helped massively by this thread over the last few days. It's been the only thing that's really kept me from having a meltdown about this, even though I've been avoiding tv and radio news, news online, and trying to stay away from most social media.

Like some of you, I also have very deep rooted fears about war stemming from growing up in the 1980s. Until the last year or so I'd thought I only suffered from Health Anxiety, but since Trump got elected and then all the North Korea tensions got worse I ended up having a crisis and have been having CBT for anxiety since last September. It's new to think of myself as having GAD, but if I look back it's always been there, just usually hidden by the Health Anxiety!

I'm trying to limit my exposure to the news, and it does help, but I want to eventually be able to function as Terry suggests - to be able to switch on the tv without feeling like I'm going to have a panic attack. And actually, even looking at Facebook and hiding news feeds I still get friends commenting on stuff.

I just have so little perspective about this that I end up reading and reading and obsessing about it, in the same way as I google obsessively and end up on health related forums when my HA is bad.

Nathan, your posts have been invaluable - I would not have got through the weekend and been able to follow my usual routine and social activities without them. Thank you so much, and thank you to everyone who has posted here, despite their own anxieties.

I'm not doing well at the moment, and have a constant sense of dread. Looking online is something I keep giving in to, even though I feel like it's really a form of self-harm. It's the whole reassurance thing - it doesn't last for long

16-04-18, 17:13
Like some of you, I also have very deep rooted fears about war stemming from growing up in the 1980s...

Dude, totally with you there, my young life was pretty much overshadowed by the worry of all this!

...I'm not doing well at the moment, and have a constant sense of dread...

Did you know exactly the same thing with Syria happened almost a year ago to the day (cant post links yet as quite new here) but just google "April 2017 Syrias US missles"

So maybe something is different this time, but it seems very similar. Having read this makes me feel a bit like its just the same thing again. I probably missed all the media hype and crap last time around.

17-04-18, 08:59
Nathan, your posts have been invaluable - I would not have got through the weekend and been able to follow my usual routine and social activities without them. Thank you so much, and thank you to everyone who has posted here, despite their own anxieties.

I'm not doing well at the moment, and have a constant sense of dread. Looking online is something I keep giving in to, even though I feel like it's really a form of self-harm. It's the whole reassurance thing - it doesn't last for long

I am genuinely over the moon you found some comfort in this thread, you're most welcome :blush::yesyes::yahoo::yahoo:

Just to expand on what you put regarding limiting your exposure (got the term from my days in CBT haha )

I won't give you advice on this as I am not qualified but I will tell you my personal circumstance for reference to make as you will..

So as previously put, I had massive anxiety regarding WW. ANYTHING with the words Russia, NATO or Putin would spiral me into an immediate and lengthy panic attack. This was the time of the Crimea incident. I immediately deactivated facebook. I would not go in any shop I did not know, why? because in shops I knew I knew where the paper stands were! Same with petrol stations (as they have the front pages on display boxes! On my way to taking my girls to Primrose valley, I caught sight of "Putin warns west" headline and that was it, holiday ruined.

An aeroplane flew by, it was a flight flying to intercept Russian bombers. A loud bang outside was a cruise missile strike. I laugh now (at myself not at anything anyone on here has posted about - I fully get it) but back then I was an absolute train wreck. I even Googled "Nuclear Strike targets in UK" and planned a move to as remote area I could and then I said to myself, STOP.

It occurred to me that I didn't actually know anything. What I perceived as happening never to date happened and going purely off "Putin threatens west" was neither helpful nor descriptive - threatens west with what I wondered? I then decided I would read up about Putin and what kind of man he is. I found a video on Youtube of a conference of him saying no one would win a Nuclear War. I then found another video of him reacting to Turkey shooting a jet down. Multitudes of videos all lowered my fear of HIM which the media had created. OK so what I was seeing could be counter propaganda but fair enough it was another view.

I then googled "Putin warns west" expecting to see "WW3 threat". Putin did indeed warn the west, about trade embargos!!!! A great example of my mind blowing things well and truly out of proportion.

So here I am today, short of air raid sirens and the supposed infamous 5 minute warning, I don't let this concern me anymore. Enough is enough. IF I read WW3 imminent, I don't immediately think "Need to get my family to safe distance, wtf am I guna do" etc. I immediately think, oh here we go again and immediately look at the source. Oh it must be true, Express / Sun / Daily Star say so :winks::lac:

The point I am trying to make and going right round the houses is this. For me at least, "limit exposure" was counter productive. I tried that and it had the exact opposite effect. Had I (at the time) read the "Putin warns west" article rather than flee it, I would not have ruined my holiday.

In closing, an article I reference frequently was from my pals the Express. It read "Putin sends nuclear submarine in British waters confirming WW3 intent". At the time, this caused me a little concern until I looked at it logically. OK "Submarine"... capable of going under water, why would he sail it a float if he was staging an attack? I then took to RT.Com and found that they were ridiculing the British media about the same thing! If one is going to launch surprise attack, the key is in the word SURPRISE it wrote, or something to that effect.

Anyway essay over :)

17-04-18, 17:31
If you're looking to continue paying attention to the news (I don't anymore), but want to avoid the sensationlism and negativity, there's an English-language NHK (Japan) website that is phenomenal in this day and age.

It has a world news section, and in all of its articles it strictly gives you just the facts of what's happening, no judgement, no interpretation, no pundit opinion (at least the sections I've seen) just a few paragraphs saying "a, b, and c happened". So for example the article would say something like "The US has fired a missile into Syria, Trump says it is in retaliation for a chemical attack. Russia has condemned the missile launch." Maybe a paragraph for each of those sentences. And that's it! [emoji111]️

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

19-04-18, 07:47
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Nathan and Terry. I am a secondary school teacher and for the past week this is all that the kids have wanted to talk about which has sent me into an anxious spiral as the "facts" that they are quoting are from instagram and Facebook. I have heard all sorts from the "fact" Putin is going to bomb Hull to the "fact" it is all tocover up an alien invasion.

Anyway thank you both. I have always looked for Terry's opinion on posts like this as I know he always has something logical and balanced to say. Nathan you have really helped with my anxiety and your post where you explained about how you used to avoid certain shops etc is me all over but you have shown there is hope for my anxiety too. So thanks guys!

20-04-18, 13:28
You're most welcome happydybob, your post just goes to show that we seem to have another generation been brought up with things they shouldn't need to worry about, all thanks to social media and the media.

I am from Hull as well so I know people are concerned with it been a prospective target.

Alien Invasions a new one tho haha

In closing -


An article from Russian FM stating neither Putin nor Trump WOULD EVER allow military confrontation. Its all calmed down now thankfully so hopefully few peoples anxiety over it has followed suit.

22-04-18, 21:58
War, nothing! I'm more concerned that the Prime Ministress deliberately ignored parliamentary democracy here! It's what I thought... she fancies herself a totalitarian. We were better under that other guy, I mean he picked off hospitals one-by-one, but at least he didn't call airstrikes without proof or consent! And nobody does anything effective about it? I should flee the country before it gets any worse.

22-04-18, 23:52
Thank you so much for this thread, and especially to Nathan for his rational posts... I appreciate it so much, I'd been having the same fear.

And jray, funny you should mention NHK World, 'cause not only do I LOVE that channel/website, but I watched the news on it sometimes on TV (to see what's happening in Asia, primarily) and it was actually a news program that didn't make me feel dread, or get anxiety from! So I second the notion of watching NHK if you DO want news. I mostly just like their other programs though. .w.

23-04-18, 02:11
War, nothing! I'm more concerned that the Prime Ministress deliberately ignored parliamentary democracy here! It's what I thought... she fancies herself a totalitarian. We were better under that other guy, I mean he picked off hospitals one-by-one, but at least he didn't call airstrikes without proof or consent! And nobody does anything effective about it? I should flee the country before it gets any worse.

If there was no legal authority to do so, MP's could have easily challenged the government's actions.

Whilst I would agree that Parliament should make a decision on us committing to action against other countries there is a valid argument as to why they can't always do this since it involves tipping off the other side and making public possible targets to a bunch of MP's who just love leaking confidential information to the media.

Where will you flee to? Don't you think that's an over reaction? You could vote against them in the next GE.

Cameron was unpopular for his actions in Libya. Blair for his misleading of Parliament to cosy up to Bush.

I think you need to be wary of the media pushing the hyperbole.

Anyway...I suspect it's all symbolic anyway. Trump made his actions clear giving Assad & Putin time to ship out. A piece on a chess board got sacrificed.

---------- Post added at 02:11 ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 ----------

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Nathan and Terry. I am a secondary school teacher and for the past week this is all that the kids have wanted to talk about which has sent me into an anxious spiral as the "facts" that they are quoting are from instagram and Facebook. I have heard all sorts from the "fact" Putin is going to bomb Hull to the "fact" it is all tocover up an alien invasion.

Anyway thank you both. I have always looked for Terry's opinion on posts like this as I know he always has something logical and balanced to say. Nathan you have really helped with my anxiety and your post where you explained about how you used to avoid certain shops etc is me all over but you have shown there is hope for my anxiety too. So thanks guys!

Glad if anything I said helped. I hope your anxiety around this has reduced.

Social media will be blighted by so much garbage being passed around. It's bad enough with the mainstream media let alone all the conspiracy stuff and personal opinions of people who make out they are some form of commentator.

30-04-18, 19:48
Thank you so much for this thread, and especially to Nathan for his rational posts... I appreciate it so much, I'd been having the same fear.

And jray, funny you should mention NHK World, 'cause not only do I LOVE that channel/website, but I watched the news on it sometimes on TV (to see what's happening in Asia, primarily) and it was actually a news program that didn't make me feel dread, or get anxiety from! So I second the notion of watching NHK if you DO want news. I mostly just like their other programs though. .w.

Thank you very much, it really makes my day to read I have helped someone.

I have been absent last few weeks due to starting a new job.