View Full Version : New to the Forums

11-04-18, 02:45
Hello all! This is my first time posting in the forums. I have looked around quite a bit at the various forums..but wanted to post here first to a) say hello and b) see if you could point me in the best direction.

I'll keep the much longer version of this story as short as I can.

Have had OCD since I was in 5th grade. Overtime developed IBS. Later developed anxiety symptoms (mainly blushing at nearly everything as well as sweating). The compulsions of OCD have slowly dissipated...but the ruminating thoughts are still very much there. The physical symptoms while being out socially have become pretty debilitating. I am 29 now and haven't been employed for several months.

Here is a list of medication that I have tried..mostly unsuccessfully.

Celexa/Zoloft/Lexapro/Prozac & Remeron/Buspar & Ativan/Propranolol & Klonopin

My current medication is 600mg 3 x a day of neurontin with .5mg of klonopin prn.

The neurontin has done barely anything for the OCD/social anxiety/physical symptoms. It has helped a bit with IBS related symptoms, my appetite, and sleep. Overall it's not doing much for me though on the anxiety related side of things. The klonopin does offer a little bit of relief in social situations..but not for a long period of time. I am seeing my nurse practitioner in a couple days, and she said if the neurontin did not work, then she wanted to try the antipsychotic seroquel (of which I have read mixed reviews).

The OCD has been with me for the majority of my life..the anxiety has gotten progressively worse to where I need medical help. The odd thing about the whole social anxiety thing is...is that I have always been an extrovert and never shy...but due to the physical symptoms, and the rumination of thoughts, it's caused significant problems for me. So...with all that aside, I hope some of you can offer me some guidance/advice on anything I mentioned above, what medication has been proven to show the best relief, if trying an antipsychotic is a good or bad idea, or anything you have that would be of help. Hoping that you can point me in the right direction(s), and thank you for your help in advance!

11-04-18, 02:52
Hiya guided and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

17-04-18, 14:30
Good Morning guided.

It makes me sad to see you have been dealing with this for so long and at such a young age. I have some IBS issues but the majority of my situation is panic and anxiety. I do take two of the meds you listed Prozac and Buspar, and they have served me well.

My totally unprofessional suggestion would be to open your mind to mindfulness and meditation. I have suffered for 20 years, starting in my 30's and had tried everything under the sun for relief. It wasn't until I started exploring meditation and mindfulness that I started finding real relief.

Best to you on this journey guided, I'm glad to see you have been putting this forum to use. You'll always find a compassionate ear here and some good advice. Take care, be proactive, and love the person you are.