View Full Version : Old life, new life

11-04-18, 03:36
Old life: I'd like to know whether there's a part of your pre-HA life that you miss, or an earlier version of you that you'd like to get back to if you could?

New life: Is there an ideal lifestyle or a 'new version' of yourself you'd like to achieve, or maybe one dream that motivates you to keep going?

An 'old me' I miss is the adventurous, risk-taking 20s version of myself that wasn't hindered by fear or anxiety. I planned to travel through Europe alone, and I would've done it if my cousin hadn't asked to come along. I'm sure I was better off with the company, but the idea of going solo didn't bother me at all. I didn't think about danger, only adventure.

My 'ideal' lifestyle would be to travel with my family while running a portable business (i.e. social media, researching history, writing books).

How about you?

11-04-18, 15:23
For me, one of the things I really miss is the fact that I used to really be able to concentrate on stuff well, I found book reading for example a real ease to do swiftly *whereas* now I can only read in fits and starts.

Though I have BiPolar so my anxiety probably affects me differently to Health Anxiety as part of that.

Old Life: I was someone who was very considered and polite
New Life: Im now more socially confident, sometimes over confident than I was before and prone to upsetting people more as I navigate my condition

Nirvana: I really dont have any great hopes though I mainly just want to be resilient and robust and not fall in a heap every 5/6 months :/