View Full Version : Do I have oral cancer or is this a sign of it ?

11-04-18, 17:14
Recently I’ve been having a sore throat and some white on the back of my tongue the past 2 days and I’m worried about what this is and I’ve noticed that bump that I circled in the back of the mouth in the picture below. Is this a sign of cancer ?

11-04-18, 17:22
I'm an oral cancer survivor. What you describe is in no way indicative of how oral cancer presents.

Positive thoughts

11-04-18, 20:03
Thank you for the positive words ! I must ask if you looked at the picture by any chance ? Sorry the past two days I’ve been paranoid and trying to figure out my condition.

11-04-18, 20:04
I take it you're 19 by your user name?

Positive thoughts

12-04-18, 23:03
I’m 21 years old. 19 was just the number I had for football my whole life

12-04-18, 23:37
Based on your age alone and what you described, NO... not at all. That's not how it presents.

Positive thoughts

13-04-18, 00:44
Lately, I been noticing a slight strep throat with a slight white tongue and I been feeling tired lately. Idk if it was because of this exfoliating scrub I used but I noticed this rash on my neck today. Is it lymphoma ? It burns and itches on occasion.

13-04-18, 01:04
Nope, but this does

13-04-18, 01:09
can't see anything to be honest... but not lymphoma

13-04-18, 01:14

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13-04-18, 01:23
Nope, but this does

who is that?

13-04-18, 01:27
who is that?

A picture of someone with lymphoma

13-04-18, 01:38
Yeah sorry it’s just the last 2-3 days I noticed I had a white coating on my tongue towards the back and I’ve had a feeling where something was caught up in my throat every time I swallowed food or a drink. Not to mention lately I been feeling tired more than usual for some reason. And then this small rash got on my neck, idk if it’s because I scrubbed it too hard but I been a mess thinking worst case scenarios. I even went out and got a blood glucose meter to check if I had diabetes first thing in the morning and the results were 92, 98 and 96.

13-04-18, 01:42
That's what my neck looked like by the time I went into surgery. Like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. "That's" what a truly "swollen" node(s) look like. So when I say cancer doesn't present that way, I know what the hell I'm talking about!

Positive thoughts and "normal" nodes.

13-04-18, 01:50
That's what my neck looked like by the time I went into surgery. Like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. "That's" what a truly "swollen" node(s) look like. So when I say cancer doesn't present that way, I know what the hell I'm talking about!

Positive thoughts and "normal" nodes.

Perhaps the shocking truth is what some people need to make them see sense? :shrug:

13-04-18, 03:33
Does this signal anything ?

13-04-18, 03:50
Does this signal anything ?

Nope... looks like you scratched at a mole :shrug:

Look Dbey... I get you have anxiety and you have this fear but at 21 and after coming down with a virus of some sort, it just doesn't indicate cancer. That's not the way it works. I'm a survivor. I was stage IVa Head and Neck cancer. I lived through it. I'm old enough to be your father and I'm telling you from my own personal experience. Talk to your parents or GP about your anxiety and look into real life help. I have real physical issues that can put me six feet under. Living with this kind of irrational fear does that to you above ground. I have a daughter that suffers from anxiety and depression. She came to me and discussed it. I, along with her mother, got her help. With therapy and meds she's doing great now.

This is an anxiety forum so deep down you know what the real issue is. Stop posting pics and seeking reassurance and get some help. I truly hope you take my advice

Positive thoughts

13-04-18, 18:02
Okay thank you for answering and consistently telling me everything in a detailed order. I get I do have anxiety. It’s mostly because my mother was taken from me 4 years ago to stomach cancer and it felt out of the blue too. That’s why I’m constantly asking reassurance. I take your advice 100% because you’ve went through things I couldn’t imagine and you know everything you’re talking about. All I ask is why is there that white part in my mouth next to my throat and the other side isn’t as white.

13-04-18, 18:02
And yes I do need to go get help for my anxiety as well. Ever since that happened, I was like if it could happen to her it could happen to anyone.

13-04-18, 18:06
There's nothing there :shrug: Perception vs. reality IMO.


13-04-18, 18:50
Maybe I’m just going crazy lol but look to the left side of my throat, isn’t it more white on that side than the right side next to my throat?

13-04-18, 19:26
Maybe I’m just going crazy lol but look to the left side of my throat, isn’t it more white on that side than the right side next to my throat?
Could be a burn or irritated flesh. LOTS of things other than oral cancer. If you're really worried, which I wouldn't be, then you can ask your dentist. He knows alot about these sorts of things.

I also worry about my lymph node in my neck, rock hard, I got over it. Fishmanpa was a GREAT help helping me get over it. If its cancer, i'll deal with it when it happens or if it happens. For now, I don't have it haha. And if I do, it's very rare to die from lymphoma at my age, or any cancer for that matter. Just relax and everything is dealt with! You have nothing wrong with you.

17-10-18, 16:11
I have tongue coating now after months of dealing with throat irritation, didficulty swallowing and tongue soreness.

ENT checked me out and said everything looks benign. He wants me to try an oral probiotic and if that doesn’t help call him in 3 weeks!

I’m so worried because he’s never told me to call him before if it doesn’t improve.