View Full Version : Why cant i cope with anything?

16-07-07, 08:58
I haven't been on for about a week because i have been feeling pretty good but things have gotten on top of me all of a sudden. I can't cope with things the way i used to be able to. Work gets me down, im trying to renovate my flat which has been a long and frustrating process, Ikea didn't have the wardrobes i wanted and now a family of 7 !????!!!!!! have moved into a one bedroom flat across the landing from me. I am ready to burst....................All i want is peace and quiet when i come home from work. And for my garden not to be kicked up and for all the buildings mail and shit to be posted through my letterbox!

I have been throwing up, can't eat and am starting to feel the build up of a big panic attack.

Someone help. I know i am probably being insensitive. x

16-07-07, 10:16
Oh dear!!!

Make a list of the problems and possible solutions. I don't know how many flats there are in your building but could you form a little committee to discuss things like the garden (presuming it is a shared one). Is there anyway the mail could be put through different letter boxes or into a central one but not through your door. Could this be talked through with your landlord hun (if you have a landlord)??

Once you list your problems down and look at solutions you often feel a little sense of relief cos you're being proactive! :yesyes:

Then the next thing I would look at is ways you can help yourself relax - my favourites are

1. Paul Mckenna book and cd 'How to change your life in 7 days'. It doesn't change your life in 7 days but it really helps to keep you positive and relaxed etc. There is a link to the cd for free on my thread 'How I coped recently'.

2. Glenn Harrold 'Complete Relaxation'. Does exactly what it says on the tin.

3. Lavendar essential oil or Neroli oil on a cottonwool ball to sniff now and again.

4. Yoga stretches - pulls all the tension out of the muscles.

5. A brisk walk round the block (I only manage this one at the moment if one of the piglets will accompany me).

Love Piglet :flowers: