View Full Version : Frequent urination or not?

11-04-18, 22:59
Hello everyone, this will be a longer thread and my english is not my mother tongue so please don't judge me. I'm 27 yo male, normal weight, pretty active in sports (I've been weightlifting for 9 years).

Few months ago one of my best friends got diagnosed with als (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and he died within few months aged only 32. He had some very progressive bulbar form of als which literally drained his life out of him in a very short period of time. It certainly triggered some stress response in me as I started feeling some very irrational but scary symptoms such as muscle twitching which is one of the als symptoms. Since I'm a weightlifter myself I managed to overcome this fear over few months just by increasing my strength in the gym.

However, I've constantly wondered could this muscle twitching be due to some other serious health condition such as chronic kidney disease. That's why I started monitoring my visits to the bathroom and they appeared to me to be little frequent. It's not actually the number of the bathroom visits which scared me (it's usually 7-8 per day, but on some days it could be around 10), but rather this weird period of the day when I have to go to the bathroom about 3 times in 2 hours (it usually occurs after lunch or dinner) and sometimes I have to urinate even only 30 mins after previous urination (though it's not that I have to rush but rather a slight feeling which I could endure for another 1-2 hours). Moreover, each time I visit bathroom the amount of passed urine is normal (I guess about 2.5 dl), so it never happened that I went just for few drops. I drink about 1.5 l of water per day + usually a yogurt or something. My question to you is could anxiety cause this? Could kidneys because of the health anxiety produce more urine than normal?

Thank you in advance and sorry for the long post once more

12-04-18, 19:46
Hello everyone, this will be a longer thread and my english is not my mother tongue so please don't judge me. I'm 27 yo male, normal weight, pretty active in sports (I've been weightlifting for 9 years).

Few months ago one of my best friends got diagnosed with als (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and he died within few months aged only 32. He had some very progressive bulbar form of als which literally drained his life out of him in a very short period of time. It certainly triggered some stress response in me as I started feeling some very irrational but scary symptoms such as muscle twitching which is one of the als symptoms. Since I'm a weightlifter myself I managed to overcome this fear over few months just by increasing my strength in the gym.

However, I've constantly wondered could this muscle twitching be due to some other serious health condition such as chronic kidney disease. That's why I started monitoring my visits to the bathroom and they appeared to me to be little frequent. It's not actually the number of the bathroom visits which scared me (it's usually 7-8 per day, but on some days it could be around 10), but rather this weird period of the day when I have to go to the bathroom about 3 times in 2 hours (it usually occurs after lunch or dinner) and sometimes I have to urinate even only 30 mins after previous urination (though it's not that I have to rush but rather a slight feeling which I could endure for another 1-2 hours). Moreover, each time I visit bathroom the amount of passed urine is normal (I guess about 2.5 dl), so it never happened that I went just for few drops. I drink about 1.5 l of water per day + usually a yogurt or something. My question to you is could anxiety cause this? Could kidneys because of the health anxiety produce more urine than normal?

Thank you in advance and sorry for the long post once moreYou are suffering from the loss of your friend in a way that has created health anxiety for you. It's so natural to be traumatized by the loss of a friend, especially to see someone get ill and decline rapidly. It scared you. It made you think about life and things in a way you might not of before and has created a deep emotional response that has left you feeling the loss of a friend and now your body and brain are responding to the trauma. The healthiest thing you can do is to continue to lift weights, and provide self care. You must also sit down with your feelings of loss and how it is creating health anxiety for you and see the connection. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. That is a very difficult thing to go through.

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12-04-18, 21:48
I will say that if you do sports and weight lifting then sports actually makes you urinate more because it is trying to get rid of the bad stuff inside you, Just like when you sweat. I know this from playing a sport to a high level.
Also, I will say if you are active and you workout every day or every other day please drink a lot more water. You aren't having enough at all.

13-04-18, 11:23
8 to 10 times a day isn't even frequent to be honest but yes anxiety can definitely play a massive part in needing to urinating more freuently. Some days i dont even feel anxious and i need to urinate more. Sometimes after ive drank water i can urinte and urinate again after 10 minutes...and then again 10 minutes later. The urine when that happens is clear which basically tells me i'm overhydrated. I remember a period when i kept counting the amount of times i urinated but after a while i thought
.."wtf am i doing". You're fine mate, trust me.

I also go gym and like you i feared AlS for a while due to random muscle twitches and like you i pushed myself more in the gym to squash those fears (which actually has motivated me to go gym more and push more weights...a positive). Still have a persistent eyelid twitch which seems to be decreasing due to the CBD oil im now taking now but jeez its annoying (the other muscle twitches are nowehere near as annoying and last seconds).

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 ----------

Also regarding urination....every doc/hospital visit i literally have to urinate every 5 mins. Its actually ridiculous.