View Full Version : I have iron deficient anemia

11-04-18, 23:00
I had a blood test last week because I went to the doctor with pale nails and they found I have iron deficient anemia. They’ve prescribed me iron pills and I started them today. I’m also going to the doctor tomorrow to fully discuss all of this with her, but I’m having a particularly bad night so would appreciate if anyone else with iron deficiency could reassure me.

My main worry is the cause of the anemia. The most likely thing right now is probably my diet, I’m a vegetarian and fussy so don’t even eat many vegetables. I also moved into my own place and have limited experience with cooking and have bought MANY fast food meals in the last few months I guesss.

Another thing adding to my worries is I’ve lost weight. I’m scared I have some kind of cancer. Between weighing myself in January and weighing myself in March I lost about 9lb. I weighed myself again yesterday and I was roughly the same weight as I was last week or so but for some reason I don’t feel reassured. I don’t know if it’s because I’m more consciously aware of my body but I feel like I can really feel my bones? And I know for a fact that all of my clothes are looser now.

I’m hoping tomorrow the doctor can really help me but it looks like tonight is another night of crippling anxiety.

11-04-18, 23:02
Did the doctor check your B12 levels? You can't get that from a vegetarian diet. Iron might not be the problem.

12-04-18, 00:55
Did the doctor check your B12 levels? You can't get that from a vegetarian diet. Iron might not be the problem.

I’m not fully sure. I know there was three different anemia-related samples they sent off (the nurse drew three vials and they all had different stickers) but I can’t remember specifically what they said. I’ll ask her when I see her tomorrow though.

13-04-18, 00:58
Hi, there! I was recently diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia too. My doctor prescribed me iron pills as well. He wants me to take them for about three months and check back with my levels. They mess with my stomach a lot --I feel nauseous and have bowel issues with them. I started taking them before bed, which seems to lessen the stomach problems.
As for the cause--you nailed it in your post. You are a vegetarian. That was one of the first questions my doc asked me--"Do you eat red meat?". I do eat meat, but not a lot. I am not a veggie lover so I don't get a lot of leafy greens either. So this is why you and I are both iron-deficient with anemia. Please don't worry about the cause because I would be willing to bet 100 percent that it's because of your diet. Take the iron, get rechecked and I'm sure all will be well! :-)

14-04-18, 18:21
I had iron-deficiency anemia too, about a year and a half back and took the heavy tablets I was prescribed for about 2 months. I had another blood test (so scary ;~; ) about a year ago that showed my iron levels had evened out. I've started to get the original symptoms I had again though, so should get it checked again... It's nothing scary to have though, as long as you take the tablets to help it! 0w0 )/

But my diet is garbage, and I can have a very heavy menstrual cycle - both of those contribute to low iron, for sure. Once they take you off the heavy iron tablets, you could try using regular iron vitamins.

Also, I had nausea/severe stomach ache problems with heavy tablets too... Boilergrad, did you try consuming them with food? No promises the same will help for you, but that's what worked for me.

14-04-18, 18:29
Hiyer snap, I'm a sporadic anaemia person too. Heavy period and vegetarian diet the problem here, as the poster above. I take ferrous fumarate daily, they don't seem to affect my stomach like the ferrous sulphate did. Hope you are feeling a bit better about it now. :yesyes: When you take iron you should not take them with coffee and tea, as that limits absorption....fruit juice helps absorption.

14-04-18, 18:33
So as far as I can tell, Iron Deficiency Anemia is one of those problems that is quite common in women. It tends to happen due to a combination of things. Heavy flow, diet and medication are the more likely causes in my mind.

If your diet consists of no meat and you are picky with vegetables then you will be deficient in a number of minerals. Iron, B12 and Folic acid are common ones.

If your diet is poor, it's not a surprise that you've been losing weight, stress can also factor into that.

I'm a male and I also get bouts of iron deficiency. Usually, this would be a red flag symptom as the most common cause for it in males is bleeding in the gastro tract. However, this isn't the case for me. Mine was a combination of poor diet and taking Omeprazole daily for 13 years that leaves me deficient every few years (I have to take them for the rest of my life as my stomach is unable to be fixed with surgery) so there are many other reasons for it to happen besides cancer or bleeding.

As actual has said, it's a good idea to take the iron supplements with food and orange juice as taking them on an empty stomach can cause cramps and such.

Old 68
20-04-18, 17:36
So comforting to read the posts here.
I also had a Blood test which showed that I'm Iron deficient.I eat a lot of Quorn,which I love,but doesn't contain enough Iron in it.Got Iron pills to take for a month.then retest.
My doctor scared me,when he suggested having a Colonoscopy to check for Bowel Cancer.
Which I refused,have none of the symptoms of that thank goodness.Nice to read that I'm not alone with this problem.Thanks all.for posting.

20-04-18, 17:50
Oh far from alone - its a very very common problem which affects a much higher percentage of the population than are actually aware of it. :winks:

20-04-18, 18:39
Would vitamin D deficiency be the real reason why I’ve been having unexplained weight loss from stomach problems? Also, I’ve noticed my bones have been a bit smaller than I remembered. Would I need to consume more calcium and get more sun exposure to help my bones?

21-04-18, 01:31
Would vitamin D deficiency be the real reason why I’ve been having unexplained weight loss from stomach problems? Also, I’ve noticed my bones have been a bit smaller than I remembered. Would I need to consume more calcium and get more sun exposure to help my bones?

No, it really wouldn't.

I'm willing to bet most people can't determine their bones are smaller and that doctors find it hard without the use of an x-ray comparison.

Getting more sunlight is healthy. Many of us are deficient and it can impact on mental health but the kind of worries you have about your bones would be something for a doctor that would need proper treatment if it was true.

Old 68
14-05-18, 11:38
I have been taking my prescribed Iron supplement 3 times a day for almost a month.
My stools have,so far been black.Until this morning when they had returned to a light brown.my last pill was with my Evening meal last night at around 6.00pm.
Is this normal.? Should it return to black after todays supplements.?At 71,never have I been so obsessed with my bodily functions.