View Full Version : I had a bad attack why?? 10 MINUTES IT LASTED

16-07-07, 10:39
Yesterday i had the fright of my life i was out with a friend then suddenly my heart began going out of rythum and pounding it must of been 150 BPM if not more.( but my heart felt all fluttery)
Thank god my friend was a paramedic !!She sat me down and took my pulse and i breathed into a paper bag ( as usual) but it lasted for around 10 minutes !!!!!
She told me i needed to go to my Dr and report it , because she said it was quite severe ? Which has made my anxiety worse because i cant get to see the Dr till 3 days time and i now keep thinking something is wrong with me.?
So has anyone had an attack thats lasted that long?
I do suffer from palpatations and all hearty things and last year had a heart scan which they said was ok .
But now im so worried.


16-07-07, 12:10
I replied to your other post about this.....


16-07-07, 12:41
Hi Elly

I know what you are going through when i got panic attacks they lasted for ages, did something trigger it off? as mine always did from when i was worried they happened and when i got angry. One time we were out in the car going shopping and i had to come home as i could feel one coming on it was really scary.

But now i don't get any i just get the ectopic heartbeats that used to come with them there is nothing wrong with you it happens to lots of people try to stay calm as possible and i hope it goes well at the doctors.

take care
linda xx

16-07-07, 13:03
Hi thanks for your reply. I too get the etopics and thought my days of a full blown panic attack were over. Never mind im off to see dr on wednesday and i hope it will put me at more ease.

17-07-07, 10:52
10 minutes that probably felt like a lifetime, I can imagine. I have had this a lot and often for longer. These episodes are prolonged when you worry about them. I know, easier said than done, but I have all sort of weird heart things going on, and I am told there is nothing wrong with my heart.

i am sure you will be told the same by your doctor. It won't be life-threatening, so although it might be horrible at the time, you don't need to worry about that. (wish I could take my own advice, really! :) )

Best of luck and hope you are feeling better today

17-07-07, 13:17
Hi Beedbabe

Yes its horrible . At the moment im going through the stage YET AGAIN ! of not wanting to leave the house.
I really thought id got through this because i had started going out and seeing people, shopping ( trying to do all those NORMAL things) . But now ive gone 10 steps back and i hate it.

How have you coped ?

Dr wants me to take Citalopram 20mg daily along with Zispin 20mg at night . I hate mixing tablets and have a phobia about what side effects you can get. Have you ever heard of mixing 2 lots of ssri,s ?


18-07-07, 19:47
Hello again
No I have never heard of mixing two types of ssri's. I would ask your GPs reasoning for his/her choice before going ahead, because you are entitled to all the facts before you choose to take this kind of medication or not.

It is very important that you know all the options open to you and why.

All the best

02-08-07, 08:18
JUST TEN MINUTES??????????????????? I have had them last for weeks..as a matter of fact I have had a major one that has lasted since I got up this morning and im talking bad..

Its ok..My heart has been clocked at almost 300 beats a minute.I be willing to bet you are young..I dont think my ticker could take that now but hey you never know..Yeah it was clocked that fast they did every test known to man and told me I had tachocardia..not telling me the real thing was commonly called anxiety.

Gave me a beta blocker and an antidepressant that i have taken for years with me sounding stupid telling doctors and nurses that i was being given that for tachocardia now find its a treatmeant for panic.The beta blocker keeps your heart at an even beat and the antidepressant keeps you calm.

Although I have been on them for years..it still seems to work most of the time but well sometimes i have to take a little more which doesnt seem to be that big of a deal since the doctor said that what im taking really isnt considered a dose of anything.Hope this helps you will be fine..Michael

Yesterday i had the fright of my life i was out with a friend then suddenly my heart began going out of rythum and pounding it must of been 150 BPM if not more.( but my heart felt all fluttery)
Thank god my friend was a paramedic !!She sat me down and took my pulse and i breathed into a paper bag ( as usual) but it lasted for around 10 minutes !!!!!
She told me i needed to go to my Dr and report it , because she said it was quite severe ? Which has made my anxiety worse because i cant get to see the Dr till 3 days time and i now keep thinking something is wrong with me.?
So has anyone had an attack thats lasted that long?
I do suffer from palpatations and all hearty things and last year had a heart scan which they said was ok .
But now im so worried.
