View Full Version : hit my head

12-04-18, 00:41
Hi everyone ! looking for some reassurance. I hit my head on Sunday on my bathroom counter. I felt ok except for a minor headache that got better with ibuprofen at the time. I don't remember thinking anything of it on Monday. Then tuesday, I hit my head again. Since then I am feeling a weird sort of pressure like feeling on both sides of my head. Ibuprofen does not seem to help it, I cant tell if it is anxiousness or what. I had a full panic attack last night about having a subdural hematoma :( . I can't decide if this warrants an ER visit. HELP

12-04-18, 02:15
If you're really concerned about it, don't feel silly about going to the ER. That's what they're there for. I've worked in an ER for the past semester, and I've seen people go in for things as benign as a stubbed toe (no joke), so a twice bumped head is nothing.