View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Nodes for Over a Year

12-04-18, 01:00
Hi everyone,

So a little backstory. Back in Nov. 2016 I felt some swollen nodes in my groin. I went to my doctor who told me they were nothing to worry about and got blood work done which came back normal so I dismissed them. In Feb/March 2017 I noticed more swollen nodes in my neck and collarbone area (1 or 2). In July of 2017 I went to my doctor again and told him of my swollen nodes who he then referred me to get a biopsy of one of the ones in my groin since they were the biggest and easiest to get to.

Fast forward a couple days and the results come back reactive for the groin nodes. However, the biopsy person also told me the nodes in my neck and collar were nothing to worry about as well, since they felt shotty.

Now, more than a year later after my first discovery of the nodes, I feel as if the node in my neck has gotten a bit bigger. Not terribly so, but maybe a tiny bit bigger. It could just be my anxiety, but who knows. It has sparked my anxiety again and I'm driving myself crazy thinking about how there are no symptoms for some of this stuff, etc.

If anyone could provide some helpful advice or insight it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

12-04-18, 01:05
First off, I'm so happy for you the nodes came back as negative.
I advise to stop worrying. Your biopsy was NEGATIVE. If that's not something to stop your worry, nothing will. You won't stop until every node in your body is biopsied.

The typical route for lymphoma starts at the neck and goes down. You are fine.

I have a rock hard one in my neck and 1 in my collar bone which 6 doctors aren't worried about.

12-04-18, 01:17
First off, I'm so happy for you the nodes came back as negative.
I advise to stop worrying. Your biopsy was NEGATIVE. If that's not something to stop your worry, nothing will. You won't stop until every node in your body is biopsied.

The typical route for lymphoma starts at the neck and goes down. You are fine.

I have a rock hard one in my neck and 1 in my collar bone which 6 doctors aren't worried about.

Well, you're partly right. I've thought to myself will it really stop until I get every node biopsied? However, it has been over a year and a half since my first discovery of nodes in any location. The one in my neck could have been there before my groin ones, but who knows. I did have the largest one in my groin biopsied which is the one that came back reactive.

12-04-18, 01:19
Well, you're partly right. I've thought to myself will it really stop until I get every node biopsied? However, it has been over a year and a half since my first discovery of nodes in any location. The one in my neck could have been there before my groin ones, but who knows. I did have the largest one in my groin biopsied which is the one that came back reactive.
Exactly. If your node in the neck was cancerous , the one in the groin would have shown as cancer as well. I really think you have nothing to worry about :)

15-04-18, 22:38
I'm assuming you're a guy, sorry if I'm wrong, but I'm just going to add this - I have a lymph node in my groin that has been sticking out as long as I can remember, and I've just found out that its due to my endometriosis. Just letting you know that the chance of it being something nasty is very slim, especially as you have had a biopsy so you are 100% fine, the body uses lymph nodes as a way of saying "um, excuse me, something isn't quite right here" and sometimes it gets it wrong, I've had one in my neck for years as a result of my persistent sinusitis, if I leave it alone and stay calm, trying not to think of it, it is absolutely fine. Also, I know post nasal drip and dehydration can make them feel worse, try a glass of water if it starts to bother you :)

15-04-18, 22:43
Your story sounds really familiar. Were you on here before under a different name?

Positive thoughts