View Full Version : Woken up by pain in tongue

12-04-18, 02:04
I have the weirdest things happen to me. Last night I was half asleep, and out of nowhere a spot on top of my tongue hurt. It was just for a few seconds, and was only about a 3 9n the pain scale, just enough to wake me up fully, and be uncomfortable.

I didn't happen again the rest of the night, but now I'm afraid to go to bed tonight. Has anyone else had a random tongue pain like that?

12-04-18, 02:10
Everyone gets random niggles. It's part of being human.

Positive thoughts

12-04-18, 02:12
It could have just been a random tongue cramp! Muscles like to be annoying like that.

12-04-18, 03:06
Thanks, Fishman and Mindy. I've been in a bad state of mind the last couple weeks, and the therapy isn't helping much.

One of my co-workers has a baby in the hospital (preemie) and everyone is worried, waiting for news. Another coworker is waiting on test results. I feel like the health worries of the people around me add to my anxiety.

19-04-18, 02:25
I had this happen again last night, only on the side of my tongue, and not as painful. I was half asleep, and thought, man, my tongue sure is irritated, like I bit it earlier... Then I realized I hadn't, and woke myself all the way up. The weird thing was, as soon as I woke myself up, the pain went away. It felt like I was dreaming it. Is that bizarre, or what?

26-08-18, 22:55
Someone who has this too!? I've had it periodically for the last 4 years. Every few months or so. Sometimes multiple times a month, sometimes 6 month intervals! I'm kinda glad you have had this too. No idea what the heck it is. You know what a hypnic jerk is? I think it's something similar. Don't worry.